Since my thread on the Coronavirus has already been seen by many, I wanted to do a new thread asking about this: Any of you buying extra of soft-soap and/or hand sanitizer? We checked at Walmart yesterday and the shelves are emty of these two items, as well as the kind of cold/flu otc we use. The soft-soap and hand sanitizer is on Amazon, but some sold by the case. Really don't want to run out of soft-soap or hand sanitizer. What do you think?
Amazon still has pretty much everything. The problem when people go crazy like this, buying stupid stuff just because they haven't figured out that the media lies, is that everyone ends up having to do it. I am not one bit worried about the virus shutting us down, but I have to worry about scared people shutting us down. So, while I doubt that COVID-19 is going to be a problem for me, I have to stock up on stuff just because I can't be sure the stores will have it in stock. Virus or not, toilet paper is something that I like to have around, so I bought a case of it on Amazon. It's not like it's going to go bad in my closet or anything. Thus far, however, people haven't gone as batshit crazy here in Millinocket as they apparently are further south, where most of the crazy people live, although they are not as well-stocked in bottled water as they usually are. I don't plan on buying any more soaps or sanitizers than we might normally have around.
Ken, there must be something to this virus scare, with all of these things being cancelled now and each day. I don't really think that "stockpiling" is the thing to do, but running out could be bad.
We went to Aldi’s and I got some extra peanut butter, and flour and some canned soups. Then we stopped at the Korean store and I got a 10 lb bag of brown rice. We have plenty of staple items, and the things that I bought are all things that we buy on a regular basis anyway, and will keep until we need them, assuming that this whole thing just blows over into nothing. If it doesn’t go away, and things do get closed down, we should be fine, although with limited variety of meals. Aldi’s had sold all of their toilet paper, the whole shelf was empty, and all that was left was the little packages that have 2 rolls in them. When we were at Sam’s earlier this week, they seemed to have empty shelves for the toilet paper aisle, too. So, I guess the TP obsession is here, just like many other places.
I did notice hand sanitizers are one thing that is scarce here. I coincidentally bought some in December, for cleaning purposes. Didn't notice toilet paper. I'll check today. lol
Must be. You might want to stay indoors until they move on to something else. As for me, I'll stock up on stuff that I would need anyhow, just in case those who are easily panicked buy stuff out that I'll need, but I won't be buying anything that I wouldn't otherwise use because I am confident in my ability to recognize BS when I hear it. Rather than going to the supermarket, where you're more likely to catch a disease from someone as to find what you're looking for, why not buy what you need from Amazon and let someone deliver it?
Believe it or not, we are starting a list of things to get thru Amazon. But, can't buy Distilled water online or a few other things that have to be bought at either Walmart or a grocery store.
Here you simply can't buy everything you'd like to have because some people seem to be stockpiling like crazy. Sanitizers of all sorts have been entirely unavailable. Disinfectants were even stolen from pediatric cancer departments in clinics. Don't understand why toilet paper is being in such great demand. I wanted to buy disinfectants from Amazon and realised that normal supermarket products are apparently still available there but at a price ten times higher.
No need to buy distilled water if ya have a distillery. Although the machine takes some time to distill a gallon of water, I think ours gets put to good use especially when the city water starts stinking again. But then again, it runs on electricity so if the utility company takes a hit then there won’t be any water or electricity so in lieu of not having any water, stock up on gin. Gin? Well, it’s a great sanitizer for your hands and if you drink the stuff you won’t care about not having distilled water.
Are you starting to notice that this pandemic is starting to look like a zombie apocalypse thing? It starts in one place, it spreads, governments take action, people start avoiding each other because they don't know who is "infected", etc?
Report back on toilet paper, 3/12/20. Local Dollar General. Like Cody said, all the large bulk packages were gone, only 4 packs remain. I wouldn't have believed it, but the 3 women ahead of me in line at checkout had their carts full of toilet paper. I really don't get it.