We've tried several new foods that we normally wouldn't buy since the food shortages lately. Here's a quick rating of some of them : Banquet Mega deep dish meat lovers...…………………………………...F Hormel Completes Chicken and rice or noodles...………………………..D Annie Chum's peanut noodle bowl...………………………………………...F Great Value buttermilk frozen biscuits...…………………………………….A Tyson chicken tenders...……………………………………………………...B Fast Fixins Country fried steak...……………………………………………..A Tai-Pei Chinese meals and egg rolls...……………………………………...A Tyson spicy chicken patties...………………………………………………...A- DAK canned Ham...…………………………………………………………….B Edwards Key Lime pie...……………………………………………………….A Some of these are just not worth wasting money on. I've found a few keepers but mostly I'll stick to home cookin'. Have you tried any new foods lately?
Hi, Sheldon! I have to agree with you on the "Fast Fixin's" stuff. I have tried both the chicken fried steak and the fried chicken tenders; both are surprisingly good. They make good "fast food" type sandwiches that are a quick meal on a bun. I used the chicken tenders to whip up a fast sweet and sour dish; heated the chicken strips till crispy, sauteed onions and bell peppers in a skillet then added bottled sweet and sour sauce and canned pineapple chunks with a bit of the pineapple juice. Cut the chicken strips into bite-size pieces and stirred into the sauce. Served the whole thing over rice. I have been cooking so much with restaurants closed that I am coming up with ways to use "convenience foods" more than I used to. With grocery deliveries since the pandemic, I get several "substitutions" with each order so I've tried several new items but I can't recall anything in particular right now. Oh... except for these... I am obsessed with the Chudleigh's desserts; they are absolutely delicious though a bit pricey.
Oh Lord, I haven't tried any and not a one sounds like I'd care to. But, I am rather fussy about such things and not inclined to buy stuff like that.
I haven't tried any new foods that I could rate but I have been baking a lot more cookies and cakes. I did notice that the box cake mixes make smaller layers. I thought it was me but since I've been baking a lot more I noticed my cakes are smaller than those made in the bakery. I believe I'm going to have to buy two boxes for one cake.
It was really surprisingly good, Von. Of course if you have fresh chicken, you could fry tenderloins or cut them into chunks, then fry. I decided to take the easy way. That was the first time I have used bottled sweet and sour sauce, too. I was nervous that it might be yucky, but I used it sparingly and added some of the pineapple juice so it was pretty tasty.
We rarely purchase pre-made or frozen foods simply because I love cooking. But when we do venture into those areas of the supermarket we do succumb to the photos on the packaging from time to time. I think the biggest issue we have is the level of salt or garlic in so many of the things we have tried .. way too much ! Then there is the issue of that photo and what it actually looks like LOL
Haha, I agree about the pictures on the packages. It's kind of like the commercials for fast food; they really make those burgers look pretty. I love to cook, too, but I'm getting tired of it. We used to eat out 2 or 3 times a week and now I have to come up with something to cook every day, so I have filled in a bit with some convenience foods. I think Sheldon cooks for his wife (unless I'm confused which is not uncommon, lol). If I had to rely on my husband to feed me I'd be eating a lot of toast.
We are actually eating about the same as we always have , but we do miss the occasional trip to IHOP for their country fried steak breakfast or dinner. One of the new foods that I have tried, and am really starting to enjoy (even Mr. Bobby has been eating it !) is cabbage pie. There are several recipes on YouTube, but basically, it is Stir fried cabbage and onions, mixed in with flour and an egg and then cooked in the skillet. Cheese on top is optional. I like it for breakfast, but it is fine just about any time, or as a snack, eaten cold.
That looks good, @Yvonne Smith. I have been making a lot of stirfrys and "eggroll in a bowl" type meals since they are fast and easy.
Tried some chicken fitias stuff. You make in oven..a C at best. well try last bit in skillet see if improves it any.