Biden Gaffe's Begin Anew

Discussion in 'Politics & Government' started by Bob Kirk, Aug 5, 2019.

  1. Lois Winters

    Lois Winters Veteran Member

    Oct 30, 2019
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    Trump has been around for a long time and anyone who pays attention to business or gossip, your preference, knows a great deal about him. Especially those of us in the tri-state area of NY, NJ, and CT. His personality leaves an awful lot to be desired and I doubt I'd care to ever know him on that level, but the presidency is not a personality contest. We should have learned that from 8 years of Obama. The Donald is a mouthy New Yorker as we all are, but it passes quickly. He is a shrewd businessman and drives a hard bargain. His achievements are legend and the fact that I feel he is more Libertarian than Republican makes his being president much more acceptable than not. His only departure from Libertarianism is the size of our military. Right now, I tend to agree with him there. We should not have so much government interference in our lives. We are a Republic for, of and by the people, but we seem to be working for the feds, not the other way around. So, of course it is no wonder the bulk of Congress is against this man. He does not pander to them and knows they aren't doing what they were elected to do. As long as Congress keeps passing bills loaded with expensive and often useless pork without a whimper from the public and they keep getting unearned raises and perks, we will never see any sort of true equality among working classes of every nature. I know folks who are working 2 and 3 jobs along with their spouses to raise families in a decent manner, while others who are perfectly healthy languish on the public dole and it's ok with their elected officials. No real oversight at all there. Congress continually gets a heads up on insider trading from Wall Street and that drives this president nuts as well as the average voter who can't afford even to own a piece of the cheapest stock. Lobbyists are permitted to throw reams of money at those in the halls of Congress, send them on lavish vacations and heaven only knows what else and it's ok? No, it isn't. When this president rail against those who would do him in, he is called every name in the book and is issued threats from all corners of the globe. Yes, I said globe. Just read some of the foreign news reports. So, while he may have made some missteps, and who hasn't?, he keeps plugging away making every effort to do the right thing while we have Biden making speeches that make less and less sense than ever. I live among many people who have some level dementia and if ever I've seen someone with the signs, Joe Biden exhibits them each time he opens his mouth. Think about who the head of the DNC is. Not a very nice individual nor does he make any effort at being pleasant. So, what is behind his sitting on this Biden situation? There should be moves to put someone forth now and declare Biden retired for health reasons. Americans are long overdue to get off their duffs and demand that our country be run exactly according the Constitution and the sooner the better.
  2. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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  3. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    As he considers who to pick to be his running mate, Joe Biden says he's looking for someone who is "ready to be president on day one." Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, made the comment in an interview with "CBS Evening News" anchor and managing editor Norah O'Donnell.


    Last edited: Jun 10, 2020
    Bobby Cole and Yvonne Smith like this.
  4. Ed Marsh

    Ed Marsh Veteran Member

    May 30, 2020
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    good morning to all-

    I would prefer Joe Biden to pick someone who is ready and capable of taking over if something happened to him- instead of selecting someone like Pence who will never be ready to lead anything and who was only selected by the present occupant of the White House to suck in evangelical mislead voters to support the PO.
    The fact that Biden wants someone qualified to run with him tells me that he's still pretty capable of seeing things as they are- instead of the way the PO is- he sees what he wants to see and disregards the rest.

    vote the garbage out- we can do better.

    good day to all- Ed
  5. Al Amoling

    Al Amoling Veteran Member

    Aug 20, 2016
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    Capable like Abrams. Klobuchar Warren Harris. That's going to be a hard choice
    Beth Gallagher likes this.
  6. Ed Marsh

    Ed Marsh Veteran Member

    May 30, 2020
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    Al- you're right- I'm glad we agree. Any of those people would be a great improvement of what we have suffered under for the past 4 years. I'm happy you see things the right way.

    good day to all- Ed
  7. Al Amoling

    Al Amoling Veteran Member

    Aug 20, 2016
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    O yes Abrams who still thinks she is governor. Klobuchar who declined to prosecute Floyd killer. Warren who rails against the system but takes 350000 to teach one class while posing as an Indian. And then we have Harris who apparently slept herway to political success
  8. Ed Marsh

    Ed Marsh Veteran Member

    May 30, 2020
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    Good morning to all-
    And you're still right, Al. Any of these would be an improvement over what we have now. We can do better- vote the garbage out.

    good day to all- Ed
  9. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Ed! Wake up dude! 5 previous pages of mistakes, misnomers, gaffes and outright out of touch with reality statements by Biden. Your hatred for an individual, not his presidency, (or vice-presidency in the case of Pence) brings you once again to these pages with nothing to back up your vitriol that might shed one single bit of something concrete to think about.

    Hatred never solved one single problem but it sure can start some and it would seem you are all about starting some.
    Maybe you’re leaving the lid off the stink bait. That stuff will rot anyone’s brain after a while even when left open outdoors.
    Ed Wilson and Al Amoling like this.
  10. Ed Marsh

    Ed Marsh Veteran Member

    May 30, 2020
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    Bobby- With all due respect to you, you have not read anything like vitriol from me. I have restrained myself on this site when it comes to addressing the actions and words of the present administration. And if you need anything from me to help you be disgusted with the actions of the past four years, then I might as well save my words because nothing I could say would register with you.

    And I am much more inclined to understand and accept Joe Biden's verbal mistakes and errors than the present occupant's outright lies and deception.

    And hatred when it leads to constructive words and actions can indeed solve problems.

    And I don't use stinkbait- that stuff is vile.

    good day to all- Ed
  11. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    So, the absolute definition of vitriol....”bitter criticism” just doesn’t suit your personal definition of it?
    It would seem that making your own definitions up to suit your own needs are now acceptable to you which is understandable when I see the rationalization you use when redefining the use of hate.

    I asked you to play a little game on another thread and you totally bypassed it. Was it because it distresses you to print the real truth or is it that you simply listen and read the edited versions of so many things you do not have the whole truth?

    Are you really a “vote for it before we can read it” kind of a guy?
  12. Ed Marsh

    Ed Marsh Veteran Member

    May 30, 2020
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    Good morning to all-
    Bobby- I'm a call it as I see kind of guy. And no, to me vitriol is a bit more than bitter criticism. And I don't have time to play word games. I'm a vote for what will help the country kind of guy, and ridding ourselves of the present occupant and those who support him will do more to help the country- all of the people of the country, not necessarily just the ones who support the present occupant.

    good day to all- Ed
  13. Dwight Ward

    Dwight Ward Veteran Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    I've edited out everything from this article ( even the title ) except for Biden's words.

    “Well, they have to deal with the — look, there’s institutional segregation in this country,” Biden said, according to The New York Times.

    “From the time I got involved, I started dealing with that. Redlining, banks, making sure we are in a position where — look, you talk about education. I propose that what we take is those very poor schools, the Title 1 schools, triple the amount of money we spend from $15 to $45 billion a year. Give every single teacher a raise to the equal of … a raise of getting out — the $60,000 level.”

    Biden said we need to “make sure that we bring in to help the teachers deal with the problems that come from home. The problems that come from home. We have one school psychologist for every 1,500 kids in America today. It’s crazy. The teachers are — I’m married to a teacher, my deceased wife is a teacher. They have every problem coming to them. Make sure that every single child does, does in fact, have 3-, 4- and 5-year-olds go to school. Not daycare, school.”

    “We bring social workers into homes of parents to help them deal with how to raise their children. It’s not that they don’t want to help — they don’t know quite what to do. Play the radio, make sure the television — excuse me, make sure you have the record player on at night, make sure that kids hear words, a kid coming from a very poor school — a very poor background will hear four million words fewer spoken by the time they get there.”
  14. Dwight Ward

    Dwight Ward Veteran Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    I missed these additional comments from Biden.

    “No, I’m going to go like the rest of them do, twice over,” Biden said, a sentence that elicited such loud groans at his campaign headquarters that the vibrations could be measured on the Richter scale.

    “Because here’s the deal. The deal is that we’ve got this a little backwards. And by the way, in Venezuela, we should be allowing people to come here from Venezuela,” Biden said.

    “I know Maduro. I’ve confronted Maduro. Number two, you talk about the need to do something in Latin America. I’m the guy that came up with $740 million, to see to it those three countries, in fact, change their system so people don’t have a chance to leave. Y’all acting like we just discovered this yesterday.”

  15. Hugh Manely

    Hugh Manely Very Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2020
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    What comes to mind (not that I'm judging anyone) is "stream of consciousness".

    The term “stream of consciousness” traces back to The Principles of Psychology, published in 1890 by William James. It was first applied to literary criticism by May Sinclair in 1918, via analysis of novels by Dorothy Richardson

    Accoding to Wikipedia, it is a “narrative device that attempts to give the written equivalent of the character's thought processes, either in a loose interior monologue, or in connection to his or her actions.” Stream-of-consciousness writing is usually regarded as a special form of interior monologue and is characterized by associative leaps in thought and lack some or all punctuation.

    So, beyond a person writing, I think it can manifest itself in oral conversations also.

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