Berman of the Southern district was instrumental in investigating a number of trumps acquaintances. Barr, trumps hand picked personal Attorney General,attempted to fire him though twitter. Berman refused to resign untill the transfer went through proper channels. Audry Strauss second in command should have automatically moved into the job. Instead Barr wanted to appoint Jay Clayton head of the SEC to the position. Clayton is golfing buddies with the president. The transfer was supposedly so, Clayton could be closer to home. Huh? Since when do we juggle high level bureaucrats solely for their convenience? Berman prevailed and Strauss took her rightful position. Strauss took the chair and Gilsane Maxwell was arrested very shortly there after. These things don't happen in a flash. I am sure that it was well known in the higher echelons of the DoJ, to include Barr and the White House that this action was in the wings. Was Berman, a man of impeccable reputation fired,to somehow derail this action. Would Clayton a trump acquaintance and Barrs protege have carried out the arrest? Me thinks that once again we have attempted obstruction of justice by the highest office in the land aided by a Partisan AG.
I think it was to derail future cases coming down the pike in the southern district of New York. Presidents can't pardon someone convicted in the S. District. The only recourse is to play games with firings and appointments. And it would be difficult to do that without support from the attorney general. Barr's behavior is a puzzle to everyone. He used to have a decent reputation. It's doubtful that Clayton can be approved by the Senate before November. Maybe in a 2nd term, depending on the makeup of the new Senate.
Are you suggesting that the altered succession to office was done to protect Maxwell from arrest? Wow. I wonder how long until Gislane Maxwell. is suicided. Prince Andrew should also be in jail but I'm not holding my breath on that one.
Can't swear to anything. I do know that there are many as many photos of the donald with this chick as there are the usual suspects.
There is some disagreement and speculation about where Gislaine Maxwell is actually being kept at, and most people think that she is probably not in the same jail where Epstein was being kept and killed/suicided. For her own safety, since she has evidence against so many people, it would make sense that they would put her somewhere secure and not say where she is actually being kept, regardless of what is put out for public information in the news. One of the YouTube videos that I just watched was explaining about the numbers in federal inmates , and he said that the first numbers are for the specific inmate, and the last three are where they are being housed. The number on Maxwell’s information goes to a code that does not exist, and is entirely different from the code that she would have if she were actually in the jail where she is thought to be at. Hers is a 509 code, and it should be one that starts with a zero, for the area that she is supposed to be incarcerated at. Here is the website that explains about the federal prison codes, and what each one is.