Peter, I'm afraid I have to agree with Yvonne and Ken here. You and I are among the very small group of people here who oppose Trump and would find much else to agree upon. Nevertheless, this IS the conspiracy section and seems to be meant for what might be called 'whacky'. I, myself, want the leeway in this section to be whacky.
You are right Dwight if someone had told you that people would have to stand six feet apart and wear masks also the US would be shut down you would say that is wacky. Until it is true so time will tell before you try and discredit wait a while
Whacky is something like I heard today relating to the metal strip across the bridge of a mask. It seems that it is actually a 5G receptor which when worn, will burn out one’s brain. Most conspiracy “theories”, like nearly all myths, carry with them at least some grain of truth. Whether completely true or just a little bit true, some folks, in fact, most folks are very serious about what they propose. Whether it’s Q or Flat Earth or whether Hitler is still living in Argentina, what the members here write isn’t meant to be whacky or satirical but something serious to be studied upon, then discarded or embraced by the reader. There’s a lot that I do not particularly take a lot of stock in which is why I normally do not write on the conspiracy board. My wife, Martin and a few others love this board and I consider them very intelligent and respectable human beings even if they write some stuff I either do not understand or have ought with.
I sometimes post conspiracy theories here because they are fun. While I may not necessarily believe even the ones that I have posted, I don't generally post them if I think they are utterly impossible or improbable, although if the fun factor is high enough, I might even do that.
I agree. Debating.political topics might be absorbing but conspiracy theories are often, as you say, just plain fun. Then there's the fact that I or anyone else might not be posting them as our own belief, as I think you're suggesting, but just passing them on, as it were.