Each and every weekend, Chicago, Dallas, NYC and other big cities are seeing a definitely increase in crime now. Just read about Chicago's crime/shooting/killings each weekend. It's astonishing! Along with the "virus" thing and protests against law enforcement, just what the heck has happened the the "Great U.S. of A.????
It's all part of the plan. Government screws us so we beg for more government to make it the way it used to be. Our governor has called for a "special legislative session" in order to push through more Honest Gun Owner Control. Disarming honest citizens is a required step.
I'd like to believe that, but our Federal government has become way too powerful, agencies are full of "hate America" types, and they act as legislative bodies. Trump is the little boy with his finger in the dike. When his terms are over, we're screwed. These people shall never give up. This is larger than Soros. Look what's happening in Europe, destroying all those cultures. For some reason, young America leads the way in resisting this global movement, and we've provided hope to freedom-minded peoples across the globe. We must be destroyed for The Agenda to advance.
John these so called antifa and BLM are not as many as you think the silent majority of people out number them 100 to 1 but they get the media coverage that is why they look important. These are people who want to move toward socialism here is how that will work out. https://www.seniorsonly.club/threads/people-are-still-being-put-in-boxcars.16119/
Q post 4592 When was the last time you witnessed a [D] party leader being Patriotic [exhibiting National Pride (love of Country)]? When was the last time you witnessed a [D] party leader 'speak out against' the riots [violence in the streets]? [MSDNC projecting 'peaceful' protests?] When was the last time you witnessed a [D] party leader support those who took at oath to protect and defend? When was the last time you witnessed a [D] party leader support and call for UNITY across our Nation? Why do they want people divided? Why do they want people categorized? WHO CONTROLS THE DEMOCRAT PARTY LEADERS? [F] The Great [D]eceivers. [D] = democrat [F] = foreign Think who cares about the country
I agree 100%, but look at who the voters put (and keep) in power. Keep Federalism, keep our Constitutional Republic, and these people can self-destruct as much as they wish...it's their right.
There is no silent majority. There are the global elites, a bunch of regional lackeys, people who willingly or unknowingly play along, and the larger number of people who have lost the ability or the willingness to think for themselves, and the rest of us have power only over what we do and within our local spheres of influence, which may vary from person to person. A lot of those who are playing along are people who feel the need to be a part of something but lack the ability to think things through.
Has the state, city or county you live in seen a large population increase/explosion? And, you know what comes with a population explosion..........traffic and crime. I just read yesterday that the county we live in, and the county next to us, will see a very dramatic population increase by 2030. Currently (end of 2022) both counties have population of 275,000 people, but by 2030, that population will increase to 900,000 people. IOW, the working class folks. Sort of funny, but when we moved back here and told people here that where we lived had a population of 900,000 people, they said "no way would I live in that big of a population". Well, guess what folks!
At the rate they are pouring across the open border, yes... my state has seen a dramatic increase in population. Thanks, Biden and his "border czar."
America's population would be in decline if we shut off all immigration (I am not recommending that we stop legal immigration.) The birth rate of American citizens is below "Replacement Level;" that is, the number of births required to maintain a steady population is 2,100 per 1,000 women. Our births in 2017 were 1,766 per 1,000 women. We should be shrinking.
Yes, developments, commercial, retail, residential, cropping up like mushrooms. It’s depressing to see really. Only a few miles from here they have torn down barns, outbuildings, two nice, old ranch style homes on beautiful lots with large trees; hundreds of acres of farmland and forest are being stripped to dirt so they can put up, wait for it, 4 gigantic warehouses.
Well, one thing we see here in our apartment complex, the owners/manager likes to hire those that speak a lot of Spanish to do work in the complex, like painting, apartment cleaning for new renting. I think these workers come from Greeley, which, in some parts, is primarily Mexican and has been noted for that for years.