Keep in mind that a very small segment of the black population is involved in BLM riots or protests. It's mostly young white Democrats, led by white liberal teachers and professional agitators, most of whom would probably move if a black family moved next door to them.
Just like so many other "grievance" groups. But all the media needs is a few photo-ops and a couple of stories to magnify for their narrative while the vast majority of us are just trying to live our lives together. And as I've said before, just because Party A cries "Wolf!" does not mean I won't render aid to Party B, even if Party A purports to represent Party B. They can poison someone else's well. The worse of this is to see the response of the Soros-backed politicians and AGs. There are few meeting their duty to stand between the citizens and the lawbreakers. That couple who held an AR-15 on their own property in St. Louis to fend off a mob are being unfairly charged with a felony (the charge won't stick.) The Seattle Chief of Police has put business owners on notice that "you are on your own" due to police being hampered by new rules of engagement that protect & benefit the rioters...the cops there can't even use pepper spray. Perhaps this is being led by the people you cite, but the strings are being pulled from elsewhere.
You know the brainwashing has been effective when white people protest against white people for being white people.
So far as BLM buying the mansion in S. California, why don’t the one’s complaining about it just burn it down like everything else they’ve managed to destroy? I hear Antifa is looking for work.
Yeah. A Bing search on "BLM chapters suing national BLM" brings up several. I imagine a Google search would do the same but I haven't used Google in a long time.