I have to say - so are you ! This line gave me an early morning giggle …. 'Speaking of me being wrong, could you not point it out so much? I don't do the same to you' (quote Dwight)
As pertains to the topic, here is a list of some of the celebrities known to be associated with Weinstein, Epstein, or (more likely), both. Also, for more information about celebrities and pedophiles, research Marina Abramovic and spirit cooking, @Dwight Ward .
One of the things that shocked me the most (and still does) is that Disney is said to also be involved with the child trafficking and pedophilia. There are videos on YouTube that show pornographic images hidden in the Disney movies, and enough of them that it can’t just be a coincidence that it looks like that. Many of the background images are blatant pedophile symbols, and others show sexual images. (I am not going to go further into that one, but they are definitely there when you know what to look for.) Disney also owns Pornhub, which is one of the main XXX rated sites on the internet, and is proud to have it as part of the Disney lineup of their streaming portfolio. If you read this newspaper article, it explains how Disney plans to expand the “boy-teen” market, and also use some of the porn stars in their Disney productions. When asked if this was compatible with the Disney standards, they said that their chief goal os to make money, and supply as many market interests as possible. This is a short news article, and worth the few minutes it takes to read it ! https://www.thebeaverton.com/2018/06/disney-executives-pleased-to-announce-acquisition-of-pornhub/
I had heard that there was a background voice in Aladdin that said "All good teenagers...take off your clothes." As I recall, there is a scene where Aladdin and the annoying parrot are floating at a balcony, and the genie is there. Not believing it, I was at my brother's house one day and shoved his kids' movie into the VCR and turned up the volume. It's there. Regarding other Disney stuff...look at the train wrecks that have exited the Mickey Mouse Club: -Britney Spears -Miley Cyrus -Lindsey Lohan Clear cut results of abuse. Poor kids. But that's Hollywood.
"Executives have also applauded how well Pornhub’s brand will square with Walt Disney’s original vision of rigid gender stereotypes." ...and what's that all about? "rigid gender stereotypes"? Does that mean Disney's hero movies won't feature any LGBTQ types, or that Pornhub's trash won't be about gays? We're a long way away from Jiminy Cricket here.
Not only have Disney films had LGBT characters, they even have LGBT days at their theme parks. So I'm not sure where the rigidity comes into play.
I think the key words in that quote are "Walt Disney's ORIGINAL VISION of rigid stereotypes." I'm sure back in 1923 when WD began, the focus was not LGBQXYZBBQFBI.
Beth, I have no idea what you mean by ORIGINAL VISION or LGBQXYZBBQFBI. but I suspect if I did it I'd find it pretty funny. You're dependably funny. I try to be but fail maybe, oh, one time in a million.
Actually I find many of your posts quite funny, Dwight. As for my post, I was trying to say that back in 1923 the rigid stereotypes would definitely not include the alphabet of sexual deviation we deal with today. How's that?
It looks like they have been arresting a whole lot more of the human traffickers in the last several years, and this is not even a current chart. Every day, I see in the news about more traffickers and pedophiles arrested; so I know we are making progress. It is no wonder the celebrities and politicians involved in this hate Trump so much ........ he is truly saving the Children !
They hate being disrupted almost as much as he loves disrupting. Real hope and real change. Who would thunk it?