I like James Cagney. I thought he portrayed his characters really well. Some may say he was overacting but I say he gave his all.
I've heard that the author of Peyton Place wasn't real popular in her part of the woods, either as some of the characters were a bit recognizable.
When an impressionist starts on his new skill, the first character he will perfect will be James Cagney. Everyone in the audience anticipates Cagney among the first impressions. Cagney is easy to do...even I can do an acceptable impression of him! (You dirty rat!) Hal
I used to do a pretty good Julia Child back in the day when I drank more than optimal. Now that I'm *slightly* healthier, no more Julia; now all I can manage is a screech owl.
Thanks; nope not an Aussie (wouldn't mind to visit Australia someday, though). I live in the northwest of the U.S.
"You're going too lightly, Quintal...lay on with a will or you'll take his place!" Hint: The speaker was Ttrevor Howard.
That is awesome, @Lobelia Sackville ! I am originally from north Idaho, and Washington state. Where in the northwest are you located ?