What Is Your Preference? Are you living a comfortable life, caged life or maybe a charged one? Have you ever said to a friend, that you have a great idea to write a book, and they've said you are crazy for even thinking you could. Well, like many folks im sure, this has happened to me. It took me a long time to realize that, hey, if you really put your mind to it, you can do it! So, i started spending more time with people like myself who had ideas and going to do them with the greatest of confidence. I get excited when i see other people who are living their dreams, Doesn't matter what it is...book writing, learning how to fly, or maybe even scale the CN tower...whatever their choice, they will do this with great confidence and will power. They want and are living the "charged life" of their choice. Author Brendon Burchard's novel tells of 3 different lifestyles people live; a comfortable lifestyle, a caged lifestyle or a changed lifestlye. The person living the charged life wonders if he is inspiring others and if he is really actualizing his potential. This book is a good rea I am living a comfortable lifestyle currently, but do wish i had the courage and still the youth to live a charged one. Heck, i might even consider bungy-jumping! Now, there is a charge! Dee
Summer.......charged one! Power boating, some fishing and going to pistol/rifle range. Wife does write (a series of Pray Books), but she loves playing the games on her iPhone 6 and watching the HGHD channel. We have a Wii Game, that when we play it, get's our adrenaline going. To live the kind of "comfortable life" we'd like to, would take more finances than we have.
@Dee Roenz , Hello Dee, welcome ! I am living a comfortable life over a charged one. I don't really want to take a lot of chances or good grief... bungy-jump! But I have to admire your outlook; at least you want a charged life, and if that's what you want, that's what you'll do. Keep us updated!
Welcome to the forum Dee! I just retired so I'm still spending time getting ready to start living my dream. Some would just jump in I suppose but then I'd never get some of this groundwork taken care of….nows the time for that. But, meanwhile, I'm living a comfortable life. Bungee Jumping?? Not for me, Dee, but I now have a strong admiration of you. You go girl! Clean humor for seniors ...
Welcome Dee .. go for your dreams! .. Doesn't hurt to try when you are able and willing. Just a question? I'm curious, what exactly do you mean by a caged life? In my mind I can only think of a parakeet, or a dog at the pound... or a person locked behind bars..... none of those sound like a good existence..
Hi Bonnie, well a caged life is another way of saying, are you trapped in your way of living? Wishing you could change it...
Welcome to the forum Dee.. I'm kinda trapped in that I have to work for a living but other than that I'm a free spirit as much as I can possibly be... always have been and hopefully always will.
It does sound like a decent read Dee and may I say that it probably rates right up there with "women are Venus and men are like Mars" or "Men are waffles and women are spaghetti". I do like some self help articles and books which place us into a catagory for without them we would all be lost and never know who or what we really are. Now, that you have let yet another series of of catagories out of the proverbial box I will have to ponder as to which of the new ones I fit into. Let's see. Comfortable? Caged? Changed ? (or charged?). hmmmm......I could be a comfortably caged waffle like person who charges head first into everything but generally finds he doesn't like change especially during those times when Mars is aligned with Venus. But alas, instead of me making assumptions concerning myself I think if I really wanted to know I could ask a therapist but thankfully my wife seems to be able to fill that position quite well. Is it time for my "happy pills" honey? Welcome Dee............ to das SeniorsOnly.....forum!
Welcome to the forum Dee .........regarding my life, it's comfortable most of the time though a bit charged when I am travelling. I have lived a caged life in the past but broke out of that long ago. I think my poor old body would fall to pieces if I attempted a bungee jump, so I am happy being comfortable really If you do manage to do the bungee jump don't forget to post the photos/video for us to enjoy.
If you mean by preference is the way of life or the state of living, my dream is to retire from my office job. It is always a hectic day at the office and I come home pretty tired and stressed out. As a senior executive, the daily meetings seem to overload my brain and not much work is done. Fortunately I am early for work in order to avoid the heavy traffic during rush hours so I have extra time to do my work. Perhaps I am overworked. When I finally retire from my office job, I can relax and while away the time doing what I want. But that's just imagination for now.
I may not be rich but i consider myself living a quality life. This includes working towards self-improvement and engaging in leisure activities such as visiting local places i have not seen before. My free time is spent with my family and for my family.
I suppose I live a caged life, sort of. No, surprisingly enough, I'm not in a jail. I live in a filing cabinet. It's a rent assisted apartment building where old or disabled people are "filed " away until they need to be sent to a nursing home. I promised myself, with God's help, I will not die in a hospital or nursing home.
I've worked in quite a few different jobs and a few different countries, so I've been fairly uncaged. I spent several years working for the Civil Service (government departments to the uninitiated) in the UK and while there were many good people, an awful lot were so set in their ways, it was depressing. You'd see people who had been doing the same thing for forty years and would continue to do the same thing until they retired. That kind of existence is just not something I could take.