I have heard of white squirrels and this morning I saw one. As much as I dislike squirrels it was so pretty. So once I got home I searched to see what I could find about them. The odds of seeing a white squirrel is 1 to 100,000. That made me feel special because Ohio is not one of the states mentioned where white squirrels are normally found. They are believed to be good luck and a good omen. Sounding pre - tty good. It has a place in mythology that a change is coming and to be prepared for it. Spiritually, it means to take life a little less seriously by having more fun and laughter and enjoying the wonders of one's world. I must have seen a white squirrel before but I don't recall. Fact: The squirrel is considered a totem animal in the Native American culture. See it wasn't specific to the white squirrel but all squirrels. Maybe I should learn to not dislike squirrels so much.
There's a white squirrel festival in Brevard, NC every year to celebrate their....well...white squirrels. The Brevard squirrels aren't albino, they're just white, having descended from the single pair owned from a resident many years ago.
I've never seen one. I wonder which tribes revere the squirrel so much. You know they didn't have bird feeders I have about 7 cleared acres surrounded by woods. The squirrels are always in the trees around the perimeter, but rarely--if ever--brave the open area to get to the bird feeders near the house. Gotta love a healthy hawk population.
I've seen gray squirrels, red squirrels and those that have cross mated but never a white squirrel. Also saw a flying squirrel while taking a walk with my father as a kid. I never saw one since.
I've never seen a flying squirrel, but when we would vacation on the shores of Lake Michigan, there were tons of chipmunks all over the campground. I know I've seen one or two elsewhere in my life, but no real large populations.
I found a baby flying squirrel lying in the yard one day in broad daylight. Kept it until it was old enough to go out on its own. It would hide all day, and after I went to bed and turned out all the lights it would start rattling around the cage. Big bulgy eyes. Very cute. Turned it loose out in the country on an old bird house in the woods.
Squirrel Launcher Spoiler: Don't click if you adore squirrels Squirrels are not hurt, but they're not being treated kindly, either. The music is annoying, mute if desired.
They were gonna have the festival this year, but couldn't get everyone to follow proper masking guidelines:
Talking about squirrels, they are everywhere in my backyard, eating my sunflowers, rose petals, and taking bites out of my tomatoes. The apples are all half eaten on the ground. Though i do enjoy watching them once the season is done.
We were inundated with them this year as well, but they seem to have disappeared now. I have never seen a white one in my entire life.