Today, I tried making one of the homemade coffee creamers. It is pretty simple to make, and doesn’t have a lot of chemical ingredients like regular creamora type creamer has. It is just a bit of sugar (I used raw sugar) mixed with powdered skim milk/coconut milk. I used a mix of both of these, and I still had some creamer left in the jar, so I added that in with everything else. You can also make flavored creamers this way, but since I sometimes have coffee and sometimes tea, it seemed better to make the plain, and then add whatever flavoring that I wanted to after I mixed the drink. This lady has a YouTube channel with lots of good recipe ideas, but I am adding the website link because @John Brunner was concerned about using up his internet allotment.
While that's great, Yvonne, I still like my real cream or 1/2 &1/2 in my coffee. I only use raw honey and lemon in my tea. There are many flavored creamers out there but I don't care for them. When it comes to tea, I could never understand putting cream or milk in it. Just typing this and picturing it makes my stomach turn. Guess I'll never be invited to tea with the Queen.
I will stick with my father's advice. If you've got to put cream and sugar in your coffee, you're not old enough to drink coffee.
Thanks for that, Yvonne. I'm supposed to get fiber internet sometime in 2021. You can go ahead and embed videos...they don't chew up my bandwidth if I don't click "Play." I like her recipe using powdered milk. Regular powdered creamer is chock-full of hydrogenated ain't good for you. Regarding cream in beverages: I grew up drinking tea in a British household. Always had cream and sugar. I won't drink it any other way. I never add anything to Asian teas, homemade or in restaurants. Always black. I won't drink it any other way. I take only sugar in my coffee because at my first job (working retail) we had the big coffee maker in the stockroom but the milk was in the fridge behind the pharmacy counter, where managers hung out. I was feeling conspicuous making so many milk trips due to of all the coffee I was drinking, so I began drinking it black with sugar. Been drinking it that way ever since. I won't drink it any other way.
My father said "If you don't put Cream and Sugar in your Coffee, then you're not mature enough to drink it!" I drink 2 cups of Folgers per week; one after Saturday breakfast, and one after Sunday breakfast. I never drink coffee with food. Hal