While winking, whispering words, wee Willy Winkle washes wonderful Wanda's Watson's west white windows, wild William Whitman was watching Wilber Williams with wicked Wes Workman wrestling wildly while wishing Wes Workman's weird wife Winnifred Workman would wipe windows with Wednesday's wrinkled Wilmington Wisconsin's Woman's Whereabout Weekly while wondering why Wilber Williams wrestling wicked Wes Workman would want Winnifred Workman washing windows while wicked Wes Workman was workout wrestling Wilber Williams...…. Wow !!! … Weird while watching Wilber Williams wrestling wicked Wes Workman...….. Forget the …. X …….. no way Maybe ….….. Y ….….. I'll see Forget the …. Z …….. no way Most likely … A
Steve are you taking some kind of pills that are turning you into a full blown Comedian? you should have a show of your own here , called Steve's Comedy Show..! also another great silly sentence.. you deserve another Trophy for this last one too. was hilarious!! Another award and another artistic acting announcments B
Crazy Charlie Caldwell couldn't count country cows cause cute Carole Charles counted chocolate cows casually coaxing clustered cows climbing coal cliffs creating cold concept conditions complicating crazy cow counting combining cows & calves casually coming close claiming contacting Corona could cause chaos ……… D
another good one Steve... Dumb Dora dilly dallied dialing dozens of dealers dealing doughnuts daily . E
Even Evelyn eats endives every Easter except Eileen eliminates eating endives especially Easter explaining eventually Edward eats electric eels every Easter ending Evelyn's eating endives essentially eliminating excessive endive eating every Easter.. F
Gosh, golly,General George Goldberg gave glamourous girlfriend Glenda Greenberg, giant green grapes growing gloriously, germinating galore ground giant green grape's, gathering good galore, glowing graciously grey goo gobbling giant grasshoppers gorging green grapes germinating ………………….. H
Independent Irene isn't investing in incompetent interior insurance involving industrial income investors in insignificant items involving interior insurance including Isidor's inventory in interior insignificant items inside Isidor's instruments...………………..…… That was a hard one...…… J