Iceman’s First Aid Kit Astonishes Medical World (link) "A traveler from the past has revealed that the use of medications began several thousand years earlier than previously thought. The man’s 5,300-year-old, mummified body was found in a melting glacier in the Italian Alps in 1991. His possessions included clothing, shoes, tools and two pieces of birch fungus strung on leather thongs. Scientists first assumed that the fungi were tinder for starting a fire. But new evidence suggests that they were highly specific remedies for a chronic illness the man suffered from. This medicine kit predates the oldest-known Egyptian remedy by one or two thousand years". Continue
What did Adam and Chavah (Eve) use for bandaids 5700 years ago ? or were they not so prone to accidents/ being cut/ puncture wounds ?
It never occurred to me to think about something as simple as stomach parasites being so devastating to humans, if we didn't have the medicine we have today. They probably developed a resistance over time we don't have today, but still. Survival of the fittest. The simplest thing might be a death sentence. That article was interesting to me because of the years with goats. Some breeds have developed a better resistance, but the parasites also go through a survival of the fittest thing.
Shalom Nancy. It is still "easy" to eliminate parasites. It is not patented though, so the doctors won't talk about it. Simple searches with appropriate wariness of sales pitches, i.e. test everything, will reveal several simple , natural ways to deal with parasites.
Jeff is right. Papaya seeds, black walnut husks (when still green), wormwood,....Lots of remedies. Only need the knowledge of how to use them. I LOVED the book series starting with Clan of the Cave Bear. I was excitedly telling of how the primitives would actually do things that way. A friend said 'How could you know?' Well, there are archeological digs producing evidence which is how Ms Auel got the info when she researched it.
If you read my post again I mentioned that parasites also go through survival of the fittest. While walnut hulls are known to be useful as a one time treatment, now and then, if one keeps using walnut hulls over and over for the sole treatment, eventually the parasites will become resistant to the treatment. Their life span is very short. Resistance of parasites to treatments occurs much faster than resistance of goats to parasites.
Who told you that ? I think it is very wrong. For thousands of years, vitamin c has eliminated danger of viral and bacterial infection, and scurvy.... Until the 1950's in the USA, licensed doctors could legally with no reprimand tell their patients if they had scurvy and could legally give them vitamin c for it and cure it. Same for vitamin a deficiency - they could give vitamin a for vitamin a deficiency to reverse it and make their patient more healthy, without receiving a reprimand and without being told don't do that - we cannot patent vitamin a (start telling people they have luke e mia instead, at $100,000 a pop... ) .... and on and on and on (money became the motive in medicine... ) Parasites thousands of years ago died when hit by a hammer. Parasites today die when hit by a hammer. No resistance developed .... No resistance developed to other means either. oh, to man made drugs, in a way... certainly... man made drugs were never the best option.... and still may not be , when other, older options still work, without high cost, and without side effects ....
I agree with this, and that is one of the reasons why people who are worming their horses, or other livestock change workers every so often. One of the treatments that seems to work, and the parasites can’t become resistant to it, is diatomaceous earth. This is not actually earth at all, but tiny bits of shelled creatures that are so fine that they look like flour, but are sharp enough to chop up the parasites.
p.s. there is no "sole treatment" in most cases - a whole person, whole body, whole nutrition approach has been the most successful in history.... everything is considered....
Diatomaceous earth works like tiny knives instead of a chemical. It is made up of shards of prehistoric sea shells that slice up insect exoskelatons so they dehydrate and die.
Prehistoric Medicine "Prehistoric peoples were likely limited to only using their local resources to heal wounds and treat disease. Based on the bones of some prehistoric peoples, researchers can determine that certain herbs were used to treat wounds and improve immunity against disease. Some bones show evidence of being set in hardened, molded clay casts after they were broken. Some prehistoric people show evidence of being knowledgeable about dentistry, with drillings into teeth being dated to as long as 6,000 years ago". "Women were often the individual caretakers responsible for the health of their family members, and they would have learned about the helpfulness of some plants and animal matter to treat disease, ease childbirth, and nurture wounds. The average life expectancy of a prehistoric person was about 30 years, and the rate of women and children who died in childbirth was much higher than today. Men often lived longer because as hunters, they had greater access to nourishing food. However, men often sustained more injuries during hunting, and their bones show that these wounds were more likely to be fatal than the wounds sustained by women, who did not hunt".
Imagine how pleased the first person to successfully cast a broken bone using clay must have been. It probably took a lot of trial and error to find out it took 6 weeks.