And, added to that, Antifa / BLM activist John Sullivan was formally arrested on Thursday Jan. 14 Complete with added links and references to the antagonist rally held nearly an hour before Trumps rally. And....... Or, how about....
Maybe if ya put Frazier Tolmie’s picture on it you’d at least get most of Moose Jaw’s support? From my understanding, much of the American media has deleted the accounts of those who sold MAGA hats on their sites so there’s bound to be a plethora of those hats left to buy! I mean, change out one letter and’re in business. The “pursuit of happiness” at it’s very best.....
The truth is coming. Buy lots of popcorn. EXPLOSIVE WEEK AHEAD President Trump will serve 4 more years!
Capitol Gains - IPOT Presents - 1.15.21 President is asking the patriots to stand down and let the pros handle the heavy lifting
In theory, anything is possible but as much as I would like to see the shark feed come to an end, I just can’t see that happening....yet. In reply to post# 154
Every conservative talk radio show throughout the nation is calling for patriotic conservatives to back away (stand down) from any and all activities that could be marginalized by subversives. In other words, stay home and watch as the events unfold on TV and don’t be a part of it.
CNN Reporter Jade Sacker HELPED Antifa INCITE RIOTS at Capitol Hill, John Sullivan ARRESTED by FBI
Just as a clue as to how much the Republican party does NOT want any more violence, here’s an email I received from the chairwoman of said party:
I didn’t watch the video but I heard all the details earlier and her voice also asking Sullivan if he had included her picture which he said yes but would edit it later. He apparently didn’t. Now, since she was obviously imbedded with the antagonists she should also be taken in for questioning. Granted, she did tell Sullivan not to break the window (which he did anyway) but if everyone else is being questioned and arrested then even though she’s a reporter she should have to face charges. Now, maybe she fancies herself as another Andy Ngo but Andy never vocally nor by action approved of the riots he filmed nor commented on. With the exception of the window thing..... She did.
Kind of a sad commentary that a political party needs to admonish is members on violence. Must be something to it and not just fake news.
Why do you like to make something positive so negative Pete? Is it a “sad commentary” when a storm is brewing for the weather bureau to tell people to stay indoors? As far as the word “admonishment” goes, I see none of that in the memo. Warning perhaps but it’s not corrective in any way. Every single inch of the way all you want to do is make accusations that are unfounded and illogical. This is a time for this great nation to show that these small factions that want division cannot succeed. You’re either for unity or against it and thus far man, you’ve pretty much shown by your own words that you might be against it. EDIT: The saddest part might be that there shouldn’t HAVE to be any commentary at all from anyone to anyone.
hahaha, chuckling wondering did this really happen ? (I know it did... just such a contrast to nationwide glum... )