January 24th is today. It just got started. It would be a little silly to report cases as of 11 am. "Schedule updates at midnight Eastern time..." Better to have put N/A or pending. Of course who would think someone would purposely try to misinterpret. lol
Well, for one, the powers that be might have ordered testing stopped - no tests, no virus. All in spinning the statistics as they have done humongously the last year, not based on truth, justice, or the american way. And now , if someone falls off a ladder and dies, they might not count it as a virus death....j Other deaths have now re-appeared, instead of being called covid, they are now from other causes, like maybe what happened ?
Well, there are those, including ER and ICU nurses and doctors that absolutely know how real the virus is and have seen deaths from it. Now, if anyone wants to argue with these professionals.........get ready for the debate and for them to ask "let me see your Degree".
No debate at all is required. Just go look see for yourself if there are actually any patients with a "covid virus", and if so how many... and then or before then, ask them for proof that it is a virus causing the trouble. So far, they have not done that , not even once. So what could there be to debate about? How much money they made from going along with it ?
I just want perspective...a comparison over prior years with the data being gather the exact same way...or adjustments made to account for the differences.
The news is reporting that California is opening everything back up, and I think that some of the other states that have had the more strict lockdowns are doing that, too. Here in Alabama, we have not had much of a restriction, comparatively. https://www.latimes.com/california/...ia-covid-stay-at-home-order-ending-affects-la
Short time compared to this: It used to take 50 years for the doctors/protocols to accept what was decades earlier proven good and helpful. (that's about the time it took for them to start washing their hands between the morgue and baby deliveries... during which span of time they lost many babies and mom's to infections or toxins carried from the dead to the living by the doctors. (the "smart" "intelligent" "licensed?" ('official') "qualified!?" DOCTORS.... ) For over 50 years they killed by association pregnant mom's , unborn and new born babies, every year, without (apparently) remorse or any sense of shame or guilt... (anecdotal) .... Well, that 50 years is longer now. For the known cures of disease proven and used before 1950, they still have not been accepted, in more than 70 years now, in medical "educated" "professional" "ETHICAL?!" circles/ protocols.... So why does anyone at all trust them any more , especially after the debacle over the last year ? Will they ever admit what they did? (not likely) ... So, for many, there is no "poof.... the problem will fade away", UNLESS they stop trusting the professionals, and get the truth. (for dozens of problems/ the health care system doesn't care - it "wants the money" instead) .... just like over the last year now making trillions worldwide from the fraud/deception.
Because lots of people hate ambivalence and uncertainty. I've seen people wish that the "experts" would agree so that person now has something "agreed upon" (not necessarily "accurate") to cling to. Lots of people want the responsibility of making decisions taken off of their shoulders. The government is happy to oblige: -You are not a virus "expert" -You are not a climate "expert" -You are not an education "expert" -You are not a [fill in the blank] "expert" -In fact, your common sense is worthless and endangers the rest of us The propaganda machine of the global media creates our reality within which such corruption exists. You hear people refer to what they "see" or "don't see," but they're not referring to their real lives, they're referring to television. Whoever decides who the "experts" are gets to control us, and we have no say-so. (Funny how politicians arise from our ranks, yet only achieve a state of competence the day they win an election.) In fact, those around us--for their on false sense of security--will tell we dissenters to shut up...and they will use violence if necessary; after all, we are threatening their [illusion of] safety.
Merck Just stopped its vaccine and going into treatments. Many thousands of reports of vaccine damage and deaths from the two vaccines on the market. Many countries are reporting deaths from the vaccine but media will not cover it. The WHO changed the cycling in the tests to lower the amount of false positives only after the election. The Government is corrupt The medical system is corrupt The legal system is corrupt The media is corrupt The entertainment industry is corrupt The banking system is corrupt Wall street is corrupt The education system is corrupt The church is corrupt The alt media are corrupt Time to tear it down and start over.