...and how. Some movies and not only cheapos have the Fbomb every second word. And some writer was actually paid to put that to paper.
There are a couple of sites that look for such efforts to disguise the obvious, and will block any such comments.
I find the English language to be a pile of sh!t...something bazturdized and cobbled together by some unknown group of a$$wholes.
I am one of those people who has to watch his mouth when he gets angry. Cursing is an unwanted part of my heritage, but when I get frustrated it's what I do.
Best to avoid the D words. Diddily has changed meaning since we were kids. I remember even teachers saying, "There is too much diddiling around going on in here." Now that would be a big no no Nanette and lead to time off with pay for the offending teacher. May I suggest substituting the D with a P. Piddiling around says the same thing but without the new urban inference. Now consider that ping pang poodily is the same as ding dang doodily, but doesn't have the ugly new urban inference of the D words. M words can also be hurtful and vulgar. Compare saying, "Some daddy diddler dinged my Dodge" or "Some mother middler minged my Maseratti." to some "Parental piddler pinged my Pontiac." The P not only softens the inference of the iddler, but also changes the gender stereotyping to include all.
That's one of the good things about a Science Fiction movie, like Star Wars..........no sexual content or swearing.