Hmm.... Member since last Friday, already thinking of leaving, five days later. Clearly, we're not for you, so have fun wherever you end up. Sorry we're not to your liking. (In truth, you never really gave this forum a chance, if you're leaving so soon, but these things happen all of the time, in cyberspace and in real life.)
Sigh... Why do people feel the need to say they are leaving when they have not been here long enough for anyone to be upset if they do ? I would rather see posts from some of the ole members saying..Hey I am back.
1 I think what you do not understand Joe is that most of us have been here for years. It’s become part of what we do and when someone joins us, we welcome them and after MOST of them have been here for a while and leave, we miss them. If you want to be a short timer, fine, have a good life. If you wish to stay for a while and get to know people, that’s good too and maybe then when you leave you’ll be missed too.
LOL I thought I read S P I T T I N G !! not splitting Ha Ha and thought why in the world does he want to spit!