You Have A Rant About The Virus, But Does It Really Warrant A New Thread?

Discussion in 'Viruses' started by Ken Anderson, Mar 24, 2021.

  1. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    We have several pages of threads in this sub-forum, most of them about the Dr. Fauci Virus, by whatever name you might want to call it. Many of these threads simply repeat the same arguments that have been made in other threads, and a lot of them have garnered only a handful of replies.

    I don't care what your rant is or whether or not I agree with it, and I am not at all suggesting that you shouldn't post whatever it is that is on your mind. My problem is that we have a whole lot of unnecessary threads, and a lot of this stuff could be posted in existing threads. Your posts would also be more effective within a thread that has some content rather than in a whole bunch of threads that no one is replying to.

    The purpose of a thread is to encourage discussion, and this is true throughout the Forum, not just in the virus sub-forum. If you have no reason to expect that your opening post will garner responses, then it probably shouldn't be an opening post in a thread of its own. If you do choose to start a new thread, take some responsibility for it, and make an effort to encourage participation.

    Yes, we can merge these threads but it's getting so that it's difficult to keep up with it, and then we have to deal with people who are angry because we merged their thread.
  2. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Building on what I said in my opening post, I strongly suspect that I am not alone in being tired of reading the same old arguments and links to sites that no one who doesn't already agree with you is going to recognize as authoritative. This has nothing to do with whether or not I agree with you or disagree with you since the problem is that it's just too repetitive, so I am begging you to recognize an unofficial moratorium on the same old arguments for and against the virus.

    Can we please just state our opinions, state them clearly, and be done with it. If something new comes up that causes you to change your opinion, feel free to tell us about it, but we really don't need to hear about it every time you find a new blog post or media article that agrees with whatever it is that you believe about it. This isn't an order, but it is a request. Some of the bloggers might be batshit crazy, but the CDC and the media are lying to us, and none of this is going to persuade anyone here to move from one opinion to another.

    I don't want this to become the crazy virus forum. Please understand that I am not addressing this to any side in particular but in reference to the subject in general.

    For the record, my opinions are as follows:
    • I believe the virus was created in a lab in Wuhan, China, and that this is the same lab that was funded, at least in part, by US funds appropriated by Dr. Fauci.
    • I don't know whether the virus was intended to be a weapon, but I suspect that it was.
    • I don't know whether it was released accidentally or on purpose, but I have to consider that China and Dr. Fauci have benefited greatly from its release. The Democrat Party and the globalist agenda haven't done so bad, either.
    • I believe that it is a real virus and that real people have really died after becoming infected by it, but I don't believe that it's anywhere near as dangerous as they make it out to be. Further, I believe that the experts aren't wrong - they are lying to us.
    • I believe that masks do more harm than good, and I don't believe that orders to wear masks were even intended for our benefit, but rather as a demonstration of control.
    • The vaccines scare me far more than the virus does.
  3. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Ok, Ken, you and some others have your opinions and others, like wife and I, have our opinions. Thing is, Ken, there has been way, way more documentation that the virus is real and that Dr. Fauci had nothing to do with it, except help folks, than the contrary. Many, many Seniors wear the masks, distance and have gotten the vaccines and are very glad they did/do. Just ask Lon Tanner how he feels about the virus and the requirements his Assisted Living has. He states that the requirements don't bother him at all.

    As for wife and I, we both have been vaccinated, been well over a month since, and we are still skeptical about eating inside of a restaurant or whatever. The masks (2) still are with us. After getting the vaccines, we thought we'd feel different, but.
  4. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    You’re on a roll the way you have been skewing people’s words. First John and now Ken. Ken never wrote that the virus isn’t real. And, Lon’s living arrangements have nothing to do with the subject.
  5. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Bobby, Bobby, Bobby.........will we ever get along??:D

    In my reply to Ken, I was only stating my opinion, like he was. So.................

    As far as Lon's living arrangements, I think they have everything to do with Ken's post. IOW, the requirements that Ken doesn't think is appropriate or reasonable. At least that's the take I get from his opening. And, I know he's gotten tired of thread after thread, repeat and repeat about the virus, but there are those in this forum that have their opinions about it.
  6. Hoot Crawford

    Hoot Crawford Veteran Member

    Aug 14, 2017
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    lol - in his attempt to minimize duplicate threads about Covid, Ken has apparently started another one.... :D
  7. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    I wasn't going to say a word about that, Hoot, but was thinking about it.
  8. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    There you go, repeating the same old arguments. We all know that you consider it to be an attribute that you believe whatever you are told by anyone who you perceive to be in authority. That's fine if it works for you, but it's not persuasive.
  9. D'Ellyn Dottir

    D'Ellyn Dottir Very Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2021
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    Found this a few minutes ago. Looks pretty accurate to me. :D Probably also applies to not believing everything you hear on cable news and other propaganda.:(
  10. Bruce Andrew

    Bruce Andrew Very Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2021
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    Ken, I looked through the first two pages and did not see one thread about Covid. And, more specifically, not the politics of it but of having the disease itself.

    I recently had it and wonder who else had it (besides the late Lon Tanner) and would like to discuss their experience (I've had it going on 6 weeks and am not 100% over it yet).

    Is there such a thread somewhere or should I start one?
  11. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    There are several. Most of the Viruses section are about either Covid or the vaccines. However, you're right. Most of the threads are about the mandates, the masks, the vaccines, and so on.
    Bruce Andrew likes this.
  12. Hedi Mitchell

    Hedi Mitchell Supreme Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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  13. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    When someone comes up with a new thought about the virus or about a vaccine, factual or theoretical, it probably doesn't require a new thread. We have dozens of virus and vaccine threads here, so new ideas, new information, new findings, and new theories about viruses and vaccines can probably be added to an ongoing thread.
    Jenna Parnellson likes this.

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