I was gonna ping you for an update. If you upset those birds too much, you'll find extra poop on your car.
I bought a new car in March of 2019. A sparrow took a liking to perching on the passenger side-view mirror. Daggone crap factories...
Good morning. They are alert and chirping a bit. A lot quieter than the others that have nested here. Just look at those peepers . So I counted four of them. The one in the forefront look like it was getting ready to take flight as it was perched higher than the others. I was very close when I shot this.
I spoke too soon. They chirping away like crazy now. Oh well, here I go again. I'll be ducking mama/papa Robin as they have no mercy for you if you're in the way when it's feeding time and that's often. Sometimes I think they can predict human movements to avoid crashing into us. We stumble, duck, hide our heads, ha, ha, ha, and when we look up they have already fed and taking off for another supply.
Well, we knew it was soon to come. The Bird Journey has come to an end. Maybe they flew away in the night on Monday because yesterday I noticed no hatchlings in the nest. Momma Robin chirped 'Let's move 'em out, Papa!, before she comes with that camera again.'
Well, it was interesting to follow while it lasted. Looking forward to your next photographic documentary.
Look out in your yard on the ground. There is usually a brief training period where the little ones will follow mama and learn how to do things, like look for worms. And continue to feed them.