CBS Radio Mystery Theater is a radio drama series created by Himan Brown that was broadcast on CBS Radio Network affiliates from 1974 to 1982, and later in the early 2000s was repeated by the NPR satellite feed. CBSRMT has a website where all 1399 episodes are available for free... "In 1974 long-time radio producer Himan Brown convinced CBS to green-light a new anthology of Radio Dramas, CBS Radio Mystery Theater (CBSRMT). Radio Drama had been declared "dead" twelve years before. CBS Radio Mystery Theater was meant to appeal to an audience that remembered when old time radio drama was a popular form of family entertainment. Riding on the wave of nostalgia fever, the radio show attracted many younger listeners who would stay up late, hidden under their covers to hear the program on their bedroom radio (and many of them were not able to go to sleep after listening to the frightening program!) CBSRMT was able to attract a wide array of talent. Many of the voices that were popular during the Golden Age of Radio made appearances on CBS Radio Mystery Theater, and younger talent, often from CBS Daytime Television and NY area stage appeared in the radio broadcasts." __________________ I'm surprised that I had never heard of this. I saw a Youtube channel where there are several of the episodes, which seems a little weird because they are audio only. This is the first one I stumbled across... I think this will be something I waste a lot of time on. It may make for interesting listening when I go to bed each night.
In the 70s and 80s, I used to have a few old console radios that picked up lots of different bands. I would listen to stories broadcast by the BBC. If you view reading as being highly engaged for the pics your mind conjures up, and television as being entirely passive, radio falls in the middle.
Well now you can listen to them again, Martin! I'm going to start playing one at bedtime; it will be nice to hear a story with my eyes closed.
With my eyesight all blurry from chemo, this gives me something to entertain myself with. I'm happy I stumbled across this stuff.