Can We Have Assurance Of Salvation?

Discussion in 'Faith & Religion' started by Babs Hunt, Jun 20, 2016.

  1. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    And to be perfectly clear, I have read the copy/paste you provided and numerous other papers on the subject both pro and con that scientific method you’re writing about.

    Empirical evidence falls into several categories such as when observing the terms of thought, emotion or consciousness there are no quantitative scientific definitions for any of them but yet it is well known that they exist. There are three disputed definitions for thought, merely being aware for consciousness and the definitions and processes involved with emotion are all over the place.
    My goodness but thought cannot be measured by any instrument known to mankind yet….thought exists and everyone acknowledges it but where is the scientific empirical evidence? Show it to me.

    Does consciousness exist? Certainly for who can refute it?
    Does thought exist? Absolutely and again, no one can say it does not.
    Do emotions exist? How can they not be but how can it be that feelings are easily defined but the study of emotion lacks scientific evidence as to how those processes are made manifest?

    All three of those items are under continual scientific scrutiny and have been for hundreds of years yet no one can fully explain them.
    Yet, you and others remain confident that because God nor Salvation can be fully explained that they do not exist?

    Using Empirical evidence as the “go to” word for one’s beliefs is by far dependent upon the person who demands it and for what reason they demand it.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2021
  2. Martha Ferris

    Martha Ferris Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2021
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    Thoughts and emotions can be seen on scans therefore they exist. Areas of the brain react. Are Emotions Measurable in Brain Scans? | Saint James School of Medicine (;
    Scientists can use FMRI and computer analysis to read our thoughts - 60 Minutes - CBS News

    Consciousness is still being explored. The Neuroscience of Consciousness (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

    People used to believe that the earth was flat. We now know that it is not through empirical evidence. "The scientific method begins with scientists forming questions, or hypotheses, and then acquiring the knowledge through observations and experiments to either support or disprove a specific theory. "Empirical" means "based on observation or experience," according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary." Empirical Evidence: A Definition | Live Science

    We cannot observe a god. We cannot do experiments that prove or disprove the existence of such a being. That being said it doesn't mean that at some future period in time we would not be able to. Look how far we have come in learning about our world and the universe in the last 500 years. Did radon not exist before we discovered that it does? We simply have not come up with a way to make a definitive determination about a god.

    I do not claim that god does not exist. Stating that there is no evidence that one does is stating fact not opinion. You are reading into my responces and making assumptions. My position is that there is no supported evidence to decide that question either way there are only individual beliefs including atheism.

    Psychiatry maintains that without evidence the belief in a god is a delusion. I have my own belief and I am willing to accept that it may very well be a delusion but it hurts no one and it works for me therefore there is no reason to remove it from my life. I am secure in my belief and do not need the validation or support of others to maintain that belief. I am secure enough in what I believe that I am not threatened by the questions of others about it. Their questions will not undermine what I believe. That is something else to consider. If people are so convinced about what they believe then why do they need to have conversations about it? Why this need for reinforcement? Why this need to belong to a tribe of believers such as oneself? Something that is another topic of discussion based on psychiatry.

    My problem is all the people who will not question what they believe and why, about this topic or any other, and who are threatened by those who do. As I said the truth can withstand scrutiny and I want the truth supported by evidence even if I don't like what I find but I am not afraid to find it as so many others seem to be.

    We weren't born believing/knowing anything we were taught.
    Jack Roberts and D'Ellyn Dottir like this.
  3. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    I believe you posted already what the Creator Himself says about the people who are already condemned because of their unbelief. It is not because of their/ or anyone's / lack of knowledge. They choose to believe the father of lies, and remain condemned, unless God Grants them the Grace and Mercy and maybe even suffering to cause Godly Sorrow (if it is even possible for someone without a conscience)
    that may lead them to repentance.
    Since without repentance, without turning to God, there is no remission of sin,
    the price must be paid by them,
    instead of by the death of Jesus.
    The penalty of sin is death. Their choice. Everyone's choice. God won't force nor coerce anyone .
  4. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    (I love how this just fits in place here! :) )
  5. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    No, I am not reading anything into what you referenced. My statement is based on fact and only fact and does not say whether God exists or not but merely giving a response on some scientific methodology that has been proven time after time to be in deficit when used to prove a point.

    Every anti and non-theist in the world brings up the term “Empirical Data” in an attempt to prove a premise and I, on the other hand brought up the same term, found it remiss by it’s own definition by using other data that cannot be totally proofed by scientific methods but is still considered empirical data.

    Since you do not like what is written in the scriptures, nor the maths and thus far in your life you have found no other physical evidence to support the existence of God, grace or salvation, I still hope you’re not one of the folks who will only accept those terms to be true after they are dead and meet the scientifically unproven God of Salvation.

    Now, to be sure, I would like to leave psychology out of it for indeed, we all know it is a soft science and so primitive that the best way psychologists can deal with a patient is if they are on some type of medication.

    Note: One other thing I’d like to respond to is the idea that people who believe in the existence of our God of grace is out of fear and ignorance.
    I for one, have NEVER been afraid of death and at some points in life I have been accused of having a death wish….which was true at one time. I do not care about her and have danced many a good dance with her but alas, she’s boring.
    And as far as ignorance? no……I can’t be accused of that either for to be knowingly ignorant of something so important is to exhibit stupidity and though I have accomplished some stupid things in my life I am above all,….not stupid nor unstudied.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2021

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