"Thanks for coming in. We'll call your agent if we're interested. Now who's next...a Mister Connery???"
Frank had probably just finished building that pool with his bare hands and a garden shovel. He's talented that way.
Well my dear Beth, if you recall I copied this photo and pasted myself in wearing a bikini at age 21, and that killed the thread almost immediately.
So I'm off to meet a woman from church who made me a cheesecake as thanks for all the help I give the women's group with all their events. I forget what she said she was gonna top it with. It doesn't matter...I am not picky when it comes to cheesecake.
Susan had family visit relatives in Pennsylvania and they got field-fresh strawberries, so she cooked some down and made me a container of fresh strawberry chunks in homemade syrup to put on top. I am in piggy heaven.