Yeah, I'm sure community ties are strong in many cases. and I have to wonder how much insurance has to do with it -- do you have to rebuild to get your full coverage? Does moving and buying a new home mean less insurance pay out? I don't know, but I don't really trust insurance to be that helpful if homeowners insurance is as convoluted as medical insurance.
Good question. Florida has some of the worse insurance policies there are. Florida was the first state to delete homeowner’s flood insurance which is why the Fed started selling flood insurance at a premium. That said, if that building was indeed sinking, I doubt if insurance will pick up all the pieces.
Saw lots of images. If not an unplanned demolition, then perhaps it was Mob Concrete? Mob Concrete is what happens when organized crime seeds City Halls with corruption. Mob Concrete cheats on the mix that makes concrete strong, and makes for unsafe structures. Bridge overpasses collapsed and killed folks in their cars below in Canada over the last decade or so. Because of "faulty concrete" poured by mob owned construction companies. With the appropriate kickbacks to those putting out the contracts? Or just the "green tape" extortion ploy.
In the 1970s I worked installing security and access control systems in office buildings in downtown DC and the immediate suburbs. I recall drilling a hole through the overhead horizontal concrete supports that supported the next level's garage floor and pulling back wads of newspaper wrapped around the drill bit. Not the best feeling in the world.
I’m almost certain there was a down payment on a yacht somewhere in the mix. If indeed the building was sinking then it should have been closed down. Back in the 60’s in New Orleans, the Governor’s House Hotel was built on Canal Street. Shortly after completion there was a small fissure found on the pool which was on an above floor. (I think it was on the 3rd or 4th floor) In short, they tore it down and started over from scratch. The thing is, Louisiana’s building codes are much MUCH looser than Florida’s but yet the condo’s in Florida remained open after a flaw was found.
Well, in D.C. anything can happen. If you would have drilled about a foot to the right or left of where you found the newspaper you might have come upon the guy who was reading it.
We have a nuclear power plant in our county (went online in the late 70s) that was built on a fault line. The fault line was discovered during construction. -The NRC knew it -The State of Virginia knew it -The County of Louisa knew it -Dominion Electric knew it Nuthin' to see here, folks. Drill, baby, drill. In 2011 there was a 5.8 magnitude quake along that fault line that was centered just a few miles from the plant. One of the huge cooling tanks literally "walked" several inches. One of the two reactors was shut down for some time for inspection. Government did not scream "We'll hold these people accountable!!!" because government did it.
I was in charge of the triage area for a building collapse in Brownsville, Texas. One little girl was brought out alive after two days. She was trapped by the rubble that killed her mother and twin sister. More info. I was across the street deciding who needed to be transported where, when, and how, so I am not in any of the pictures. One person was killed sitting in his car parked outside of the building. I see my partner made it into the newspapers, though. That's Craig Zimmerman with the cap. He was my partner during the Bill Mobray murder/suicide, as well. That could be me behind him, whose head is cut off, but I don't think I was that fat then.
Okay, she was a baby. At first I thought she was a little older and I had written that she probably would need a lot of therapy after that. It would have been a good idea to watch the Whole video instead of pausing it to write. My bad.
I'm mad!! I don't know any of the victims but I am just amazed that this kind of disaster could occur in this century. There isn't enough insurance money in the world to make things right. Instead, I would like to see harsh prison terms for those responsible parties that ignored all the warning signs.