Was it the tangerine popsicle that produced last night's dream of magnetic attraction and heartfelt passion in the elevator of an historic hotel? Or was it the southwest chicken salad? Can you correlate what you eat with what you dream? Do sex dreams disturb you? I find them puzzling, like, why am I dreaming about this.
@D'Ellyn Dottir A subject after my own heart! Though, I am reticent to talk about it, being withdrawn and bashful. But, if provoked.........? Frank
@D'Ellyn Dottir Aha! So you DO seek that particular aspect of dreams, aside from the eats consideration? Frank
@D'Ellyn Dottir In addition, while I DO like your avatar, mine remains a real, unre-touched photograph! (Backward, innocent, and easily embarrassed in person, not so on paper!) Frank
I have a friend who excels at lucid dreaming -- she can direct the content of her dreams while dreaming! She can dream request her dreaming mind to go visit a particular person, and it happens. Her theory is that sex dreams about about missing someone or having unfinished business with them. I haven't mastered that lucid dreaming skill. I'm still at the stage of being amazed when I can even remember anything about them when I wake, although dreams with passionate content do seem to linger. LOL
@D'Ellyn Dottir Well! With due consideration, I have never heard of such ability, and this old reprobate would question the honesty of your friend's claims, no offense intended. How in the world could such an ability be truthfully confirmed? Frank
The idea does invited a lot of skepticism, doesn't it @Frank Sanoica ? She taught an experiential workshop on it a few years ago, with the objective of the students learning how to "meet up" and interact during dreams. They then could validate each other's experience . I knew everyone who signed up for it, know them to be honest seekers, so lean towards believing it's a real phenomenon, even tho I haven't had it myself -- which is always the ultimate validation.
@D'Ellyn Dottir This drives my convoluted consciousness to find pragmatic explanation......one "profound revelation" might be considering the relative homogeneity of true sleep and hypnosis........sleepwalkers, for example, are reported to be "thought-provoked" by real-time spoken suggestion, such activity being definitive of your friend's influential process used on students. It just occurred tome, I have no idea what the OP was about! Frank
Yes! The power of suggestion can be very influential, especially on minds willing and wanting to experience the unusual. Mass hypnosis is a real thing. But yeah, we have wandered away from SEX. That might say something. LOL