Yeh, I didn't want to throw that into the mix. I was having too much fun bickering over things we cannot influence...gotta keep that skill set sharp
s My niece insists on raising her daughter as more of a younger sister than as her child. She 'discusses' courses of action with her rather than give the girl any rules at all. It's not really my business but I once cautioned her about this, explaining that the girl, at heart, would actually prefer a strong parent figure to an older sister, even a perfect older sister. One result of her parenting style is that my great niece expects to be the center of attention every waking moment and throws tantrums when she isn't. I have no children myself but I can see when one needs an occasional smack on the derriere.
Wow, this thread sure took a turn from what started as my personal preference, some of it hilarious, some sad, some puzzling. Endless entertainment. LOL Probably time for this thread to be retired, don't you think?
We female officers in the military are always addressed as ma'am or by our rank. Term of respect and nothing more.
There are no retiring threads on SOC. Any thread is subject to resurrection at any time without notice. Many threads are regurgitated with no respect for the easily nauseated.
I'd like to be called Zsa Zsa from now on. Hey, lady. We'll say when it's time to retire the thread. Git it?
I see the like button but where's the puzzled button on this thing? So, thanks a lot for making me look up ambergris and all. I'm thinking it's a pretty rare person who has an egg and ambergris omelet in the morning, so what is John trying to say? I'm thinking he either forgot to take his meds or took way too many.
I missed the stories and I'm missing your jokes and I refuse to think any harder than I am right now. Enigmatic people get beat up sometimes.
I see two opposing groups of protesters. One side carries signs like End This Thread Now and This Thread Has Wandered Too Far Off Topic. The other side carries signs like We Are The Happy Wanderers ( sing it! ). I'm on the roof of a building dropping water balloons on both sides.