Yes, all taken, both meds and vitamins. Gums brushed, eyes medicated, saline nasal spray applied, and brandy gargled, swished, and swallowed. Face washed, heat eye treatment applied, bra off, and heat pack on my neck. Bedtime draws nigh and I am prepared.
I was on a mega-supplement program for 6-7 years or so starting in 1990 when I quit drinking and was in Repair Mode. I had (3) 7 day pill boxes packed full: one for my morning pills, one for my afternoon pills, and one for my evening pills. These days it's a multivitamin augmented with a couple of anti-oxidents. Given my varied diet, I likely don't need the multivitamin.
I am in the NW and that is a perfect bedtime since I get up before 3 AM. I go to bed at 6 PM so I can be asleep by 7 PM. I like the quiet of the early morning.
Really? This seems odd because of your statement "Get your jamies on and I'll kiss you goodnight." Maybe suspecting that I don't wear PJs was your motive for making such a hollow promise.