Well then for heaven’s sake Hal, tell us what the heck you’re talking about. If it isn’t one of the posts that has already tried to explain some of the things in commercials and other venues then maybe you need to enlighten us or was it a joke that fell flat?
Now I am confused. Are you talking about getting a cost of living (or dying) raise or the increase that results from using certain secondary medicare plans? I don't know of any other way to increase my SS payment, just these two. The cost of living raise is a joke and an insult to call it a cost of living raise. Paltry as it is, it is more money that isn't taken from your bank account. The only other thing I have seen advertised is the plan where your SS monthly payment increases, but your checking account decreases. See my post #14 for a more in-depth discussion. Can you give us a link to what you are referring? And no no Halette, we are not forgetting the whole thing. You brought it up and now have us confused and now that our inquiries don't resolve your inquiry, you want to leave the room. You get back in here right now Harry and explain yourself
Two hard of hearing social security recipients walked into a bar and the only seats left were directly under a cage with a monkey in it. As the men sat and drank the monkey above them suddenly spoke and asked them if they were getting a raise in their Social Security. One man looked at the other and asked, did that monkey just talk to us? The other man replied, Yup, but whatever he said was over my head.