Find a young "Rosita" from south of the border and be her sugar daddy so she forever shows her gratitude..... one that can speak a little English preferably.
You might need some scolding for being a male chauvinist but lots of animals are chauvinist. I'm not lion about that.
SeniorsOnly never gives me enough confirmation that I am, indeed, brilliant. Yes, wet things go in the dryer but where do dry things go? In the wetter?
Shirley, where in NC are you? My mom's family is in Teachey, about 80 miles from Raleigh. Tobacco country. I picked tobacco when I stayed down there for summers. I have a thousand cousins. Best cookin' in the world! It's okay if you're implying that I'm an old flea bitten gelding. I am I guess ... sigh.
Do you need an incentive to vacuum more than you do? Do you have an unwieldy canister vacuum where the cord is always in the way or is always getting caught on something, and you have to switch outlets as you go around the house? There is a solution: A battery powered full size vac. I've had battery hand-held vacs for years (great for cleaning the car). About 5 or so years ago I got tired of constantly working on gas weed whackers and bought an electric -- smartest thing I ever did. No cantankerous engines, no separate gas can, snap the battery in and go. And battery-powered hand drills? -- greatest thing since sliced bread, intermittent wipers, and caller ID. We were at our Friday diner last week and they were fixing to close, and one of the waitresses was buzzing around with an electric vac. I asked her about it and she said it works great. I can't believe I hadn't thought of it before. At any rate, I have this baby coming from Amz, will be here on Saturday. "Too soon old, too late smart."
I'm jealous of anyone who has an actual good idea in this thread. I'm going to look into battery vacs for all the reasons you brought up. In the meantime I'll look for ways to ban you.