It's all fascinating. If I had it all to do over again I would go into horticulture. I wonder if those who dabble in outdoor aquaponics do something to slow down the rate of evaporation.
It makes me sad that I went from 50 x 55 foot Garden to containers. My heart wants to do more, but my body is saying no.
Donn't know about evaporation we just added more fertlizer and water to our nutreints reservour. It is quite easy once set up. Measure correct ratio to fertilizer and epsom salr water added. Anyone one interested we can help set you up with how to get started. With buckets you just need hoses,Loews blue buckets to stop algae growth you'll get from whites food grade buckets.Won't hurt anything just looks better clear.
Aqaiponics uses fish for fertilizer.We tried that but here in Florida it was just too hot plus the sun made eveything green with algae. So went went with Aquaponics instead. We tried to raise duckweed to feed the fish too ,that didn't turn out too good ,again heat! Went buried the nutrient reservour in the ground about 2 ' to keep it cooler plus the air pump helped cool too. I think we he put air stones in it too,not sure.I know we used air stones in the reservours with plants. Places we have used, lemental O2 Cylinder Air Stone, 1.7" $1.75 CODE:EOCS201 Availability:In stock Quantity: +− Our quantity discounts:
A few years ago Home Depoe had on display a small self contained unit for about $100, fish on the bottom, plants on top. Good for growing leafy greens. Net pots,
Thats sounds like a good ststem use grow lights and to help with lighting put near a east or south facing window will help wwith more light too. If you have one.
I had this idea of making a floating tray where plants could be anchored, with a small hole at the bottom for water entry. This whole unit could then secured on a pond.
I've not read a lot on it, so don't know if the fish, etc co-exist with the plants, or if the nutrient-rich fish water is processed to get rid of the ammonia and then pumped in with the plants in a separate container.