I am six feet four inches tall and was the same exact height at age 17. I would have thought that I would shrink some in 70 years. My weight however at 195 lbs is 3o lbs heavier than age 17. I was a tall skinny 17 year old.
I'm 6 ft. tall. I lost an inch over time. I way 142 lbs. according to my last doctor visit with clothes and shoes. I was up to 207 lbs. when I let myself go during my misspent youth, but got down to 155 lbs. which I used to way in high school. Overall, I'm losing body mass which is to be expected.
I'm five feet, fourteen inches tall. During the past 2 years, my weight went from 195 to the present 165, which is what I weighed in high school 67 years ago. I don't like my appearance, and my strength has deteriorated too. I try to eat high-calorie food all the time, but it isn't helping much. As my primary care Doctor says; "At age 85, what do you expect...a perfect body?" Hal