fwiw, false religions and cults do not lead to eternal life. Among the Amish at least there is true faith found whether often or rarely, and when the way of life is honestly as noted, it is better than others that bring harm instead of helps while in this world.
Why is that a problem ? While still "young" relatively, I frequently heard or learned about the Amish and the Mennonites and their faithfulness dramatically different and better than most of the world. There is a movie still available as of last week also, call The Amish, A Secret Life. THose who were in the hour plus video were a faithful (to God) Amish family with several children, and some of their neighbors. I think some time after the video was published, they were excommunicated for being in a video (they knew this could happen) with no hard feelings on their own part, and on some of the other Amish who remained in the community. It is a very good video of their lives, honest and open and helpful to start to learn about faithfulness to God .
No, it was created to protect the evil doers/ profiteers/ pharmacy and polluters, including also cdc and other government agencies that were easily bribed from the beginning.
A 0.3 second search, or a 3 year search, concerning the lies of the fda and the deception of it, is readily available.
Amish, true faith?? Bull, they are like the Pharsees, they do and belief what the elders of the community tells them, traditions and commandments of men not God.
There is no way to get around government agencies, lobbyests, special interest groups, etc. Big government interfers with our life always, no way to avoid it.
That was common even when Jesus was rebuking the religion and religious leaders in the first century. It is very common today as well, and nothing in society that I know of supports the truth or life or kingdom of God. Jesus came to seek and to save those who were lost, who were worn out by religion, who turned to Him to find Life as the Father in Heaven Revealed.
Who said to get around it ? Big government, small government, agencies, doctors, hospitals, phramacy , witchcraft, sorcery in high places, interferes with everyone's life. In spite of all that, and the lies they have been telling for generations, some people get healed. Most reject the truth though, and continue to worship demons and to remain subjects of the enemy.
Some people do bother to seek the truth, many have exposed the lies of the fda (which maybe you never found out?) , and if they keep bothering to seek the truth, they find the truth, and the truth sets them free.
So ? In contrast, one new york city reporter was sent to do a report on a tester/ healer who became known worldwide and healed more people than anyone else in the history of the usa as far as known. (there are a few possible contenders, unpublished). The reporter did not want to go to the out in the middle of nowhere clinic in a southern state 20 miles from the nearest city, but he was sent anyway. He figured he would be there over a weekend and return to new york and write a story exposing the fake. He stayed three weeks or so, and wrote a story of what he found there, totally contrary to his views/beliefs previously. For a time at least, or concerning the healing methods, he learned the truth and told millions of people about this.