No I ask if I could take it and he said yes. But I don't want to take it long or much of it. I don't want any opiates either so I hope to get this stopped with PT and OTC meds. But thats not easy with heart and BP.
Thanks john ,me too.I have some seeds I started several days ago and I need to get them into containers too,they are already leggy from no sun. I can take pain but this is unreal and unrelenting.
I've never been much of a cryer ut I do alot of pacing back and forth. I will say a Bakers Cyst made me cry and lay on hospital floor and I'm a germ fanataic and a half! I even took a 1/4 of one of hubbys opiates. It hurt all the way to top of my head to bottom of feet. I've set my own toe bones , knocked back into joint and even pushed and taped some of my muscles back into my stomach when CSection came open when I snatched up a newborn and 2 yr old ,that was a walk in the park compared to this.
Marie--I wish I knew something that would help you. I have had a pinched nerve in my neck that made my life miserable for months; burning hellish pain from my spine, across my shoulder and down my arm. That's been a few years ago and thankfully it resolved itself. Did your doctor mention gabapentin or one of the other meds for nerve pain? I have read that certain antidepressants are effective on nerve pain but I have no personal experience with them.
Well, Marie, I sure don't have the pain in each shoulder that you get. My pain isn't intense at all, but definitely the "achy/nagging" type. This morning at 3AM, I was woken up due to a bathroom call and some of that "achy/nagging" pain in each shoulder. I took a VA prescription 800mg ibuprofen, put on some CBD Deep Rub Salve on each shoulder and I was fine. Back to sleep until 6AM, when I get up. My wife gets up at 6:15 for work (from home), so I get up as well. My shoulders "achy/nagging" pain started again around 8:30AM, so took another VA 800mg ibuprofen and have been fine. It is now 3:30PM here (MT). I haven't even had to use any CBD Deep Rub Salve since I put it on at 3AM this morning. We had a 13 degree drop in temperature today and, generally, when that happens, the shoulder osteoarthritis pain can flare up even more. So, like I've already posted, for my shoulder pain, in both shoulders, I use this: VA Prescription 800mg ibuprofen, 500mg CBD Deep Rub Salve, VA Prescription 50mg Tramadol and my new 25mg CBD Gummy Cubes. The Tramadol I use two days in a row, skip a day, then two more days. Sometimes I can even skip two days from taking the Tramadol. It's only 50mg, so that makes it fine for me.
Problem with asking a doctor about any kind of prescription pain killer/relief, is that...............they want to know where the patient found out about the medication and, many times, don't want to prescribe anything that they, themselves, don't consider safe. A lot of tv ads talk about prescriptions for Seniors, as well does online research, but most PCP's don't want to suggest anything from a tv ad or online research.
Thanks all again, I'm back on the ice now and then heat, it helps for a little while. Its hard to type without leaning over the laptop since vision is also messed up from stroke. But I do really appreciate all the help.
The only thing I ever had that was really bad was a herniated disc in my neck. I pushed against my spinal cord rendering my right arm painful and useless...I could not move it. I tried sleeping on the floor with a stack of pillows at my side and my arm elevated, just trying to find any position where it did not hurt. There was no such position. I was working on 2 hours of sleep a night and all jacked up on pain pills. It cost me my job (was a horribly dysfunctional place, anyway.) But at least I got my operation.
whow thank goodness you got some releif. getting old and dealing with all the problems plus new ones is not easy. I had to cancle the oral surgery this morning ,can't take both this morning. But I really didn't want to put it off. Things are getting real ugly around here for hubby!
I wanna say "That which does not kill him makes him stronger," but he's not out of the woods yet, is he?
Not really,,its get me more ice,I need my heating pad, I don't do ill very well.He is like super man he dose ill better than me. I try not to be his Kriptonyte'spl.