Name 13 things associated with Hallowe’en 1. Trick or treat 2. costumes 3. Candy corn 4. pumpkin 5. Vampire teeth 6.
Name 13 things associated with Hallowe’en 1. Trick or treat 2. costumes 3. Candy corn 4. pumpkin 5. Vampire teeth 6. decorations 7.
Name 13 things associated with Hallowe’en 1. Trick or treat 2. costumes 3. Candy corn 4. pumpkin 5. Vampire teeth 6. decorations 7. witches 8.
Name 13 things associated with Hallowe’en 1. Trick or treat 2. costumes 3. Candy corn 4. pumpkin 5. Vampire teeth 6. decorations 7. witches 8. Ghouls
Name 13 things associated with Hallowe’en 1. Trick or treat 2. costumes 3. Candy corn 4. pumpkin 5. Vampire teeth 6. decorations 7. witches 8. Ghouls 9. scary ornaments 10.
@Marie Mallery As long as it has something to do with Hallowe'en it's OK. So if you mean that you want to name a specific decoration or ornament for example I personally can't see any problems.
Name 13 things associated with Hallowe’en 1. Trick or treat 2. costumes 3. Candy corn 4. pumpkin 5. Vampire teeth 6. decorations 7. witches 8. Ghouls 9. scary ornaments 10. scarecrows 11.
Name 13 things associated with Hallowe’en 1. Trick or treat 2. costumes 3. Candy corn 4. pumpkin 5. Vampire teeth 6. decorations 7. witches 8. Ghouls 9. scary ornaments 10. Scarecrows 11. Zombies 12.
Name 13 things associated with Hallowe’en 1. Trick or treat 2. costumes 3. Candy corn 4. pumpkin 5. Vampire teeth 6. decorations 7. witches 8. Ghouls 9. scary ornaments 10. Scarecrows 11. Zombies 12.Masks 13.
Name 13 things associated with Hallowe’en 1. Trick or treat 2. costumes 3. Candy corn 4. pumpkin 5. Vampire teeth 6. decorations 7. witches 8. Ghouls 9. scary ornaments 10. Scarecrows 11. Zombies 12.Masks 13.parties Name 13 things that make you happy 1.