The movie is rated "PG" and I wonder why? A gay black man who absolutely loves dressing like a woman? Critics didn't think to highly of the movie, but 1/2 of the public that seen it, liked it. Billy Porter was at the Emmy's and dressed to the "T" and, obviously like a woman. Each ear was covered with, what looked like, diamonds. We didn't watch all of the Emmy's, but did see him as a Presenter.
I read The Gnostic Gospels by Elaine Pagels when it was published in the 70s. I know of the "Jesus kissing Mary Magdalene [there's an e on the end] thing, but don't recall that gospel (Phillip) being included. I'd go look, but I recently loaned it to a friend. Of course, Biblical writings are full of parables and allegories. I think these degrading "Christ in Piss" displays and books like The DaVinci Code are merely capitalizing on His name.
Now, I just read on Facebook, that our city is putting on a play that came from the movie Cinderella. The picture on Facebook shows a lady wearing a dress, with a big tattoo showing on the top of her back and a man is dressed up like a lady. Whether some residents, mainly the Seniors, here like it or not, we are becoming more and more like Denver and Los Angeles.
I can see Prince Charming testing out the shoe: "You're not my princess...her legs are hairier." Although I'm confused by your description of the play. It this a guy with a tattoo dressed up as a woman, or is it a woman with a tattoo and also a guy dressed up as a woman in two different roles? Is the guy doing the same literal fairy godmother switch the new movie has done?
I agree, but sadly immorality is alive and well and has been for a long time. Best we can do is teach our kids right from wrong and hope they make good choices in life, and that they still maintain those rights.