I refuse to watch any series any more...I just watch movies, national news and local weather. Altho I do tend to criticize the agendas of local TV on Facebook and Twitter.
I've never missed an episode of Heartland, corny though the show may be it hooks one. There were a couple of really lousy seasons but they've been back on track now for a couple of years. The actress who plays Amy lives on a ranch nearby and is very much into horses. I have a friend who has met her, and apparently she is a genuinely nice person who takes time for fans of the show. That wouldn't be enough reason to watch the show, of course. The most annoying character is gone for good, making the show infinitely more appealing to me. The weird thing is, it is so polar opposite to the kind of thing I love best (anything end-of-world, dystopian, disaster).
I was going to say in my earlier post, actually, but for anybody who is catching up on the show it is a pretty significant spoiler.
LOL, okay, then Ty. And as mentioned in a message not so much Ty (I really liked him at first) but the relationship, just a bit too sappy. I can't believe so many Americans watch the show, wow. It's a good show, I like the cast and the development of characters, not to mention the location. I've been to High River, nice area, lots of wide open rolling-hills kind of space which I yearn to have (and don't have).