When I'm not signed in, I can see and read all the new posts on all the threads. But then when I sign in, the posts and threads that I just read are nowhere to be found, unless I sgn out again
Once you have read a post, it no longer shows up as a new post. Not sure if that is what is happening in your case, but I think that it might be what it is. In any case, welcome to the forum, @Lanny Lane ! There is an introduction area under the notices and announcements section, if you would like to introduce yourself and say a little bit about where you live, and things like that. I am a greeter here, and will try to answer any questions that I can to help you get acquainted with how the forum works. In the upper right corner, if you click on your name, and little box will open up, and that is how you can upload an avatar and set your preferences .
Exactly! Once I read something, it's GONE! And to get back to it, I have to sign out to locate it, and then sign back in to read more of it or make a comment. But thanks for the welcome! :--)
This is what I see when not logged in -- . . . When I'm logged in, I see this --- I don't know how to find the front page that has 'Recent Entries' on it when I'm signed in
Yes, I make sure that all pages in all websites are as black as possible, due to my intolerance for visual glare. The 'High Contrast Black' setting works wonders, and also an app on Chrome that converts everything to reverse gray scale when needed