While I'm on a roll I'll post one more bit of info that could help others....My friend that I've talked about here has two major issues: UTI's and Gerd/Refux Issues: The one product that has helped her a lot is UT Answer by Nature's Answer.... Women seem to be the most plagued with these but perhaps males too. Thankfully I'm OK in this arena.
I've had weak bladder muscles for quite a while (no known cure at this time), and had a stone removed a few years ago that was caused by sediments from incomplete emptying. I take D-Mannose as an infection preventative, since infections can be caused by urine retention. I'm not taking the full recommended dosage, but chose to start out at a lower level and will increase if required.
I take it right away ...when I notice the signs...and as a maintenance...I drink it....oh...maybe once a month... .yeast in our system is usually the cause...so I take cinnamon as a daily maintenance for metabolizing the sugar in my body ... I've noticed after taking the cinnamon...I don't have problems...
I've not heard of this. After doing a little reading on it, I bought myself some Ceylon cinnamon and have started putting it in my coffee as @John West mentioned elsewhere.