It caught me by surprise, too. Of all the days to decide to sleep in late, and when I woke up the morning was almost all gone! The event was noted on my wall calendar, but so is International Iceberg Day (I bet it's big in Ecuador), so who pays attention to that stuff?
Yeah, I got that but looking at the name of the bill inspired a bit of twinkie sarcasm. To be true, I would rather they leave the derned time alone and yes, on daylight savings time. And also in truth, there should have been legislation promoted about 50+ years ago and all the sudden, whilst this country is going to hades in a hand basket is it so important right now? To be perfectly skeptical, no matter who introduced the bill and who sponsored it, it is just something to prove that Congress is doing something other than sitting on their hands.
A Do-Nothing Congress is an American's best friend. Read their Enumerated Powers. Absent being at war, they should be as many state legislatures are...get together for an annual session, then go home and live like the rest of us do.
Personally I'm glad to finally see some movement toward eliminating DST. I don't care if they go with standard time or daylight savings... just PICK ONE AND LEAVE IT.
That is a good point, @Bobby Cole. I would think the greenies would be worried about more sunshine speeding up the Global Warming process.
I just think she has no idea what she is talking about. I think it is just stupidity, not deception. She is not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
They did that in the UK 30 years ago and it lasted for two years before they reverted back. The Scots farther north moaned that it did not get fully light till 10am.
We don't get light until around ten AM in the winter, but staying on DST would make it eleven AM. I would still like to have the time stay the smae.
How can you say 'do nothing'?! They get together and vote on things like National Days: National ice cream day. National comedian day. National whatever day--you can look it up and find out if there are more than one 'day' for that day.