Had Covid? Step On In . . .

Discussion in 'Viruses' started by Bruce Andrew, Mar 16, 2022.

  1. Bruce Andrew

    Bruce Andrew Very Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2021
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    I'd like to share stories, ideas, and frustrations with others who've had it.

    By October last year I had a finger 02 tester, Covid test kit, 20 ivermectin pills and a few nitazoxanide pills which work well with IVM. I already had a decent supply of OTC cold meds. I was ready.

    FWIW, I've been taking vitamin D for 5+ years, but I upped the dose within the past year, started taking C also, and have been taking melatonin for several years for insomnia, been taking zinc for about the past year. I'm 71, on the thin side, healthy, no jabs.

    So on February 3-4 I started feeling a little funny and by the 6th I knew something was up so I tested myself and I was positive. I didn't feel bad, just not quite right. So on Sunday the 6th I took IVM and nita and continued with them on Monday and Tuesday (7-8th).

    I had very light nasal congestion, a dry cough, a slight sore throat, and little appetite. By Wednesday I felt great so I quit taking the meds. But late Thursday the symptoms started to come back, so back on the meds. The cough got bad at times, but was pretty well under control with OTC meds.

    During the whole ordeal, my lowest 02 was 91 on one finger and the other hand was showing 93 as I recall. That was the lowest and was during when the cough was the worst. My highest temp was around 101. If I took acetaminophen it would bring it down and I would feel better. Only two mornings I felt crappy, but that went away in an hour or two.

    Although I never felt very bad, I stayed home for obvious reasons and had my neighbor get groceries for me.

    By February 16 (day 13) I felt normal, still taking IVM, still had occasional cough. I tested myself and it was negative so I started going to lunch with my buddies again, I felt great, and appetite was coming back.

    The cough slowly improved and by week 5 it was mostly gone. I am now approaching week 6 and I still have some slight congestion in the back of ONE nasal cavity. It's only an annoyance, but I started taking the OTC expectorant, Guaifenesin, yesterday.

    Oh well, all in all I've had worse colds, but this sucker is sure hanging on. Anybody else had anything similar? Of all the people I know IRL nobody had it hang on this long.
  2. Al Amoling

    Al Amoling Veteran Member

    Aug 20, 2016
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    Haven't had it, haven't been jabbed, Take D3 and C every day. go out at least twice a day once for coffee and once to post office for mail
  3. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    Earlier this year I had the same symptoms. I took no test = did not need to. The minor irritating drainage , sinus?, in the back upper throat provoked coughing that was relieved for a short time by drinking coffee or water or juice, but the cause of the cough, the drainage, apparently or clearly from bad air - pollution, fumes, particles, dust? - was a continuing irritant present for weeks. btw, air pollution noted over twenty years ago locally and worldwide has been increasing and causing now over forty thousand deaths per day worldwide. Did you see any news about that ? Or was all the 'news' slanted, likely bought and paid for , to be , sadly, politically correct though totally wrong for anyone honest anywhere.

    Anyhow, the things I knew to do worked also, but not as well as they have the past thirty years. The irritants in the air were persistent for weeks, and troubling.

    I went to a holistic health care provider and described the irritation , sinus drainage and cough, and asked if they could recommend something. They simply told me what was the most popular natural help for the last two years, what people were buying, and for between ten and twenty dollars I bought a month or two months supply.

    The bottle directions say take two two or three times a day, and increase to four times a day if needed. People with more toxic systems may take more as directions on the bottle say, or less, if less works.
    A few times in four weeks, I did take an extra one, making it two instead of one, when symptoms did not go away within fifteen minutes. Perhaps air was worse, or I was dealing with more at the time.

    Anyway, the SAME symptoms described on the news/ medical shows/ online as if covid symptoms, were simply the normal immune system/body reaction to air pollution.

    Yes, the SAME symptoms often go on for weeks or for months, when people are not told the truth and they do nothing or they take the wrong drug instead of what their body needs.
  4. Bruce Andrew

    Bruce Andrew Very Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2021
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    Al, when stuff opened back up here in June 2020, me and my two lunch buddies immediately started going out again, 6 days a week. We go to 4-5 different places, masks were "required" but I never wore one. They're both jabbed (both older than me) none of us got Covid except me just recently.

    From two years ago I only knew one person who got the Fauci Flu and that was in Jan-Feb 2021 and then my BIL got it in October 2021, and several since then.

    The one lunch buddy is Don, who is 81, got the first and second jabs, but has gotten the memo in recent months about the jabs and has not gotten the additional jabs. The other guy, who is 87, believes everything the government tells him (he was in the military) and spends his time flicking back and forth between CNN and Fox -- thinking he's getting opposing opinions. So, surprise surprise, he's gotten all the jabs and will continue to get them as long as Washington tells him to.

    He knows absolutely nothing about the global adverse events and deaths caused by the jabs, or the negative efficacy of them for some people, because he's not seen anything about it on TV. Anything he didn't see on CNN or Fox is BS, or any doctor, nurse, scientist, researcher, etc. that he's not seen on TV is a liar and quack.
    Don Alaska and Al Amoling like this.
  5. John West

    John West Very Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2021
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    I had that happen during one of the flu out breaks some years back. I caught it from my wife. So far, no problems or symptoms during this covid scamdemic.
    Don Alaska and Bruce Andrew like this.
  6. Bruce Andrew

    Bruce Andrew Very Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2021
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    You mean mild symptoms that hung on and hung on? :confused:
  7. Kate Ellery

    Kate Ellery Supreme Member

    Dec 12, 2015
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    Neither hubby or myself have had Covid we are triple vaccinated as well, as we are heading into winter ..Covid numbers are doubling in most states each day with the new variant ..sigh just look at nightly news and you can see why it’s surging ..no masks on public transport ..people standing shoulder to shoulder at festival events known as Mad March in South Aust, thousands of interstate visitors welcome to come here from highly infected states… SIGH :eek::(
    as well as the trendy pub hang outs packed to the brim in them city mile ( Adelaide city is a square mile )
    Bruce Andrew likes this.
  8. Nancy Hart

    Nancy Hart Supreme Member

    Jun 3, 2018
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    FWIW, I was talking to a girl in her 30's in line at a checkout counter recently who said she caught Covid in November. Said it wasn't very serious, but lingered for a long time, and she still hasn't got her sense of taste back. [The subject came up because I had a Hershey's chocolate bar in my hand. ;) ]

    My cousin and her husband both had it before the vaccines. They are both in their 50's. Said it was like a bad cold. I haven't had it. Triple vaccinated. So are they now.
    Bruce Andrew likes this.
  9. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I have not had it but those who I am familiar with who have had it have described it as being not such a big deal. My brother, sister-in-law, and nephew (80s, 80s, and 50s) had it and my brother, who fared the worst of the three, said that it wasn't nearly as bad as the flu. Those who I know, here in Maine, who have had it, most didn't have major problems with it, except for one, who said he was very sick, but not hospitalized. He had been vaccinated, while my brother, sister-in-law, and nephew had not been. I don't know about the others.
  10. Bruce Andrew

    Bruce Andrew Very Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2021
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    I never lost my sense of taste or smell (usually don't with Omicron) but I did lose my appetite for a couple of weeks.

    Your cousin had the Wu Flu and then got vaccinated anyway? Were they talked into it?
  11. Bruce Andrew

    Bruce Andrew Very Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2021
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    It's been a mishandled overblown scam right from the beginning when it went from a medical problem to a political debacle.

    I'm in the middle of "A Plague Upon Our House," by Dr. Scott Atlas, who worked in the Trump White House for the final 4 months. The mismanagement and incompetence (not by Trump) has to be read to be believed.

    Had this stayed in the medical community (where it belonged) instead of being politicized it would have been just another bad flu season, or so it seems to me.

    Is your new av the real Ken as you are now? I'm assuming the previous long hair was an old pik? I had hair that long a half-century+ too, lol.
    Ken Anderson likes this.
  12. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
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    Mar 6, 2018
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    I think those who are in reasonably good health, whatever their age, have little trouble with it. I think most everyone in our family has had it and the person who got sickest is the only one fully vaccinated. Curious....
    Bruce Andrew likes this.
  13. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    The previous long-haired me was from a few weeks ago, before I had it cut.
    Bruce Andrew likes this.
  14. Bruce Andrew

    Bruce Andrew Very Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2021
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    Blood clots:

    There is a couple I know that I am good friends with; they are 70 and got married shortly after high school. He is a bit of a jerk (no social skills); she is very normal. We have Saturday lunches together and we sit and chat for 2 hours. They have one grown daughter and they live their lives very conservatively -- even more so than I do.

    But they are both flaming liberals. This is typical of all liberals I know -- perfectly normal lifestyles, hardworking, honest, normal "family values," but when it gets to politics they all go off the rails. However, they are unaware that they support all the radical leftist stuff when they vote for their favorite "D."

    We avoid politics at our lunches for obvious reasons, but that is getting difficult as everything has become politicized -- and now with a virus and a so-called vaccine. They are both fully vaxxed with however many boosters there are.

    So the guy, "Bob," has been on a blood thinner (Coumadin) for years. He had to go off it for a week or so for a minor surgery per doctor's orders. He has been back on it as of March 21-22 post surgery.

    All was normal at lunch yesterday, but around 6 last night she called me, nearly hysterical, "Bob" had a stroke and the ambulance had just picked him up (she called me around 10 last night and he is doing well, it probably was a transient ischemic attack (minor stroke).

    And so now for the question, which will probably never be answered: Was the stroke caused from being off Coumadin, although he'd been back on it for about 12 days preceding the stroke? Or was it caused by multiple Covid shots? Or a combination? I guarantee they know NOTHING about the large number of blood clots being caused by the shots and wouldn't believe it anyway. And I'm sure the doctors at the hospital didn't mention it -- if they even know about it.

    I've read articles, seen the charts, etc. about clots, myocarditis, etc. for a year now, most of which are obviously caused by the shots -- although your average doctor will deny it. This is the first time I've seen it, at least the possibility of it, in my social circle.
    Don Alaska likes this.
  15. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    I'm sorry about your friend. This whole thing infuriates me. There are a lot of people who say "I will never believe they would do this to us; therefore, they are not doing this to us." And if "they" outright stated that "they" are doing this to us, those same people would say "Well, I'm sure they have a good reason."

    There have been lots of reported side effects from the shots based upon aggregate stats of the exploding occurrences of things like this (and other maladies), but front-line doctors refuse to even consider their blessed shot as being a causal-issue, so no individual case is properly diagnosed. I mean, individual women have miscarriages and menstrual issues all the time, right? And heart disease is rampant in this nation. The doctor is evaluation a patient, not doing statistical analysis on a population.

    In defense of your run-of-the-mill GP, exactly how are they supposed to test for the shot as being the causal agent? The professional pressures notwithstanding (and those are significant), it would be an accusation-by-exclusion. (I wonder if Jack-Booted thugs would storm his office if he ordered a lab test for spike proteins.) Still, an honest "I'm not sure and I have no way of knowing" would beat the heck out of a flat-out denial.

    ps: It's climate change. You own a car? It's your fault.
    Don Alaska likes this.

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