Unfortunately, like the mainstream news, the history books are little more than propaganda, and I think that will be even more the case in the future. Probably, the only reliable thing will be the dates.
Wow! Really! I've never met anyone who met a genuine history professor before. Can I have your autograph? Please...
It’s almost like ancient Egypt when the Pharaohs ruled. Most records didn’t include the losses in battles and wars chiefly because it would look bad on the Pharaoh when it came time to go into the afterlife. “Legacy” history has constantly being tampered with by those who favor whichever politician is in office in that each politician (especially Presidents) want to leave behind only the memories of the good things they might have produced.
So, can you clarify? I knew a history professor long ago. More to the point I knew an anthropology professor who spoke of the events past and present when I was at school and even now. I was surprised to find her on youtube talking of hers and others difficulties in the 'system' over time.
I knew a lot of professors who specialized in a myriad of subjects of which 2 of them dealt with Biblical history. That said, does it count if I once knew a guy who kinda looked and spoke like a history professor and often stayed at the Marriott Express?
A great majority of united states people choose to believe the fluff about the fake pandemic, instead of looking into the facts . This has been true possible each and every time there has been an 'epidemic' of anything - people start believing the lies quickly , or slowly, but the lies continue every day regardless, same as in Germ- any when the fella gained control before wwII who said tell a lie often enough and people will believe it. That happens daily everywhere practically. So what about "HISTORY" ? It has been altered, re-written, changed to support the corrupt system ad lib, simply whenever it was/is convenient. Little if anything is true in the news/media/politics/medicine officially.
The 'Spanish flu' gives credence to pandemics. Of course the armies of all nations involved were not giving the best nutrition to their troops but huge numbers of men got the flu and brought it home. My husband lost his grandparents to it and most in this area lost someone. Can't say for everywhere but it was a fact it was a bad disease spread around. Looking back, then as now, they did the wrong thing at the wrong time during the spread. I felt the history taught in grade school was to give us a cohesive tradition bringing several ethnicities together. Sadly it didn't justly cover all ethnicities.
Actual epidemics do not need anything to give them "credence". Fake pandemics might be some kind of epidemic , but this last one was getting everyone to do the wrong thing no matter what time. During many past epidemics including the black plague in europe and elsewhere, groups of people who did the right thing were blamed by others for causing the sickness. Whole towns survived some of the epidemics without it visiting their homes. btw, cleanliness was one of the most important aspects of avoiding problems in the epidemics, and in the delivery wards of hospitals. Remember doctors did not used to wash their hands and they lost as many as fifty percent or more of the babies they delivered or more, and moms may have died also. Meanwhile, "clean' midwives had continued with only about one death per hundred - and always healthier at the time than doctors in hospitals results. It reportedly took FIFTY YEARS for doctors to finally agree and start washing their hands after being at the morgue before going to see the pregnant woman ....
"The whole history of the world is summed up in the fact that, when nations are strong, they are not always just, and when they wish to be just, they are no longer strong." Winston Churchilld "History is a pack of lies we play on the dead," Voltaire
I remember laughing at the thought that we were being told to wash our hands as a weapon against the virus. then I thought, WAIT that means people don't know this?....
There were more outbreaks than I can remember over the last thirty years before the so-called pandemic started, from just one restaurant/food worker contaminating restaurant or packed/delivered/grocery foods because of unwashed hands. E coli or similar stuff, like is in much of the nation's water supply routinely now. Signs at ALL the restaurants, etc, were up as required by law, but many employees very obviously did not wash their hands routinely or not too often, not often enough anyway.It is quite possible, as noted in history/fact/ concerning long ago epidemics and so on, there were some groups of people avoided epidemics and pandemics whenever they were or were claimed, simply because those groups ate clean food, drank clean water, and did not pass contaminated products to anyone.
If things don't change there won't be any historians to write about it.Its looking like the end times are upon us all.