Our governor had a meeting yesterday and he announced the state tax rebate to all taxpayers in Colorado. He said the rebate is to help those living here with the cost of inflation. Filing as a couple, we will get $800 back from the state. Along with the 1-month extension my wife got yesterday, going thru May, on her "at home" job, the rebate will help us with our boat "summerization" and an engine tune-up. But, sorry Colorado, we are still moving in May/June 2023.
Don't you wonder how the government can do that? The state's costs have also risen AND they're gonna do an unbudgeted rebate.
Well, John, don't really care how they can do it, we are just glad to get $800 in the bank from them. Sometimes it's much better not to ask than to ask.
And why is that I wonder. Is it because the Texas legislature only meets a few months per year? Pennsylvania's meets all year long looking for ways to spend tax money.
I didn't know that. Virginia's legislators meet for a brief period of time, and then they all go back to their real jobs. The Session generally convenes near mid-January and ends the first week in February. Every once in a while there's an "Emergency Session" convened, but that's not a routine event. The benefit to this process is that citizens can meet with their representatives during an Open House that kicks off each session, so we can get face-to-face with any representative(s) we choose to and talk to them about issues that are important to us. I can talk to any critter (even if they're not mine) who may not support my cause(s) and have a respectful dialog, and I can go around to all of those that do support my cause(s) and thank them.
Well up here we do, but we ain't got no stinkin sales tax like y'all. We get punished for making money , but not for spending.
We got both. And at some point, they doubled the sales tax on prepared meals, figuring that if you can afford to eat out, you can afford to tip the government each time.
Haven't you all been funded by the oil industry? How has that worked out through all the ups & downs over the years?
We are funded by resource development, the largest part of which is the oil industry. The legislature always want more money and they spend everything they can get. There is moaning during the down years, but the price of oil now is giving the legislature almost more money than they can spend. Corruption everywhere, as everybody wants apiece of the pie. We have some areas of the state that have no taxes whatever, and all funding comes form the state, but most areas either have property taxes or local sales taxes, and a few areas have both, but Anchorage, the largest city here, has only property taxes.
I knew you said you were moving but I thought it was in the state. It will be interesting to see what state you move to and how it compares to Colorado.