The Left Is Suffering From Stockholm Syndrome

Discussion in 'Conspiracies & Paranormal' started by Dwight Ward, Apr 24, 2022.

  1. Dwight Ward

    Dwight Ward Veteran Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    We see a great number of people who will always defend the government and the global oligarchs. For brevity I won't try to fully explain what Stockholm Syndrome is. The gist is that some people will side with their captors because their lives are threatened and because they seek some humanity in their captors that would lessen the chances of their own death. That loyalty to the rulers will fade unless constantly reinforced, so the global cabal constantly and simultaneously promotes both fear and a promise of salvation to the masses.

    The left and right exist as extremes among the Earth rulers. And so we have insane fascists and insane socialists working together against us.

    People with Stockholm Syndrome will ignore evidence that their captors are wrong and are trying to kill people. They will be loyal to the global cabal because that cabal is threatening their lives. They will not differentiate between the left or right side of the cabal. It's sad but such people will not learn differently. Sadder still, they are the enemy.

    I'd like to hear you comments.
    Thomas Windom likes this.
  2. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    I guess I don't agree. First of all, "the left" is not being held against their collective wills so have no "captors." They have freely chosen to support left-leaning policies because they agree with those policies.

    Same for right-leaning individuals in fact.

    ETA--dang, I totally missed that this is in the Conspiracies and Paranormal section. I'll just go away now. :D
    Dwight Ward likes this.
  3. Ed Wilson

    Ed Wilson Veteran Member

    Dec 6, 2019
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    A sometime talk radio host here refers to voters in the county north of me for having Stockholm Syndrome for constantly voting Democrat no matter how terrible the candidate is. They are captives of the Democrat party.
  4. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    I know people who say "There's no way the government would do that," and if the government came out the next day and openly admitted such behaviour, those people would then say "I'm sure the government has a very good reason for doing that."

    I'm not sure there's a lot of Stockholm Syndrome in such behaviour. I view it more as belonging to a cult. It's possible that the two overlap, but I think another component in all of this is a blind need to have a functional authority figure [parent] that can be trusted and that will meet their every need. It's arrested development. It's denying that the parent figure is abusive because the child does not want to acknowledge that the parent does not love them (or even that the child caused the abuse.) And like a parent, the government is powerful. These children never grow into [reasonably] full adulthood. They need a place to belong, and can't do it one-on-one. They willingly, eagerly submit. It's a cult.

    You rarely see a cogent argument or debate from them. Their "logic" violates every single debate rule because the debate rules are their to enforce a fact-oriented adult interaction...all they have is feelings, name-calling and rhetoric, and it's all in anger born of the frustration caused by lacking the skills to persuade with facts and reason. You cannot engage them...they will be "found out."
  5. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    A big part of that is the propaganda that ignores policy and says "You don't want to be one of them." And that's all there is to it. It's not what you think at a policy level, it's what you want to "be."
    Ed Wilson likes this.
  6. Dwight Ward

    Dwight Ward Veteran Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    I agree that arrested development in a large part of the populace is a factor. The state encourages that perpetual childhood in several ways. Such people will seek comfort in a cult or a strong leader as a substitute parent.

    From Beth's perspective, since the left isn't physically held captive, no other modes of subservience can exist. People can be held captive by emotional, economic or ideological means too.

    The topic is complex and I broached it here to hear points of view other than my own.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2022
    Marie Mallery and Don Alaska like this.
  7. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I’m not sure if Stockholm Syndrome is the proper terminology in that the syndrome is the result of being stripped of everything at the onset of captivity.
    All freedom, all wealth and future ambitions are taken away until such a time when the captive has suffered those indignities long enough to be grateful to the point of full acceptance when the benevolent captor appears.

    One could argue that the leanings of the black community toward the Democratic party is a result of the brainwashing technique in that Johnson’s Great Society initiative in combination with the Civil Rights bill gave [what appeared to be] financial and social stability to an otherwise struggling community.

    Another argument for the syndrome might be the result of the pandemic whereby people were denied the right to provide for their families and given financial aid but to me, that’s a stretch because the length of time needed to produce gratefulness wasn’t long enough to produce anything but greed.
    There was some fear involved but that fear soon gave way to reason which is something the syndrome doesn’t allow for.

    No, I am of a mind that what we have today isn’t a society that is afraid but in general, wants more within the confines of what we already have and also outside those confines because there are those who also want what others have and are more than willing to side with those who will allow them to do it.
    Example: Nearly everyone has had access to a higher education but now the left is asking for the public to pay for it including a retroactive move to forgive past student loan debts which is outright bribery.
    Those would be students already have every freedom guaranteed by the Constitution and generally speaking, are more materially well off than the generations before them yet just the promise of a free education is enough to sway the political leaning of the majority of them.

    The newly re-elected Macron said something interesting in his acceptance speech for the Presidency of France last night.
    He said (paraphrased) that he realizes that he wasn’t elected because of anything he has done for France but because the voters didn’t like his opponent.
    To me, that’s called a spoiled society which also to me, is what we have in the United States today.
    Most cannot tell anyone why they voted the way they did other than, I don’t like the other guy and / or this guy is going to give me money.

    At the outside, I do see an increased implementation of Anarchy in that a confused society is much more willing to side with whomever might be able to quell that confusion. If fear is a factor then I think it’s the fear of what the future holds but the last thing those in power want is a society as a whole which becomes afraid because an afraid society becomes a very dangerous society.
  8. Dwight Ward

    Dwight Ward Veteran Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    If you don't like high gas prices you're a homophobe. Huh?

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    Marie Mallery and Don Alaska like this.
  9. Mary Stetler

    Mary Stetler Veteran Member

    May 30, 2021
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    There are some who voted for Obama and some who voted against Obama because he was black. Hillary played the sex card. Lots voted for Trump because they could not STAND Hillary and not because she was a woman. Lots of people voted for Presidential candidates over the years because of their hair. Or that they kissed babies at train stops.
    No matter who 'they' are; Rothchilds, Bilderbergs, Soros or the 'you will have nothing and be happy' group, they see the opportune time is now. Our social experiment is near the end of the Federal Reserve's destruction of our dollar and other gov'ts central banks, as well.
    Trump threw a wrench into things and could have given us time to think.
    I just saw today's headline on Yahoo's opening page bringing up Trump's recommendation to a doctor to inject covid patients with disinfectant. Bleach? I remember thinking, he does not mean bleach, he means hydrogen peroxide which is used in Africa for some things. Like ivermectin is used there more than here.
    I myself have misspoke on occassion but I am not quoted all over the globe for my mistakes. Maybe Trump will run again and they have to start the negative press up again early.
  10. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    As a side, Trump did say disinfectant but he did not say to inject bleach. If one were to be honest, that which disinfects is a disinfectant and an antibiotic is indeed a disinfectant of sorts.
    Those in the media who wished to damage what Trump said placed the word bleach instead of disinfectant in their opinion pieces and there are still multitudes of people who still believe that the President said bleach.
    I remember seeing a clip of Joy Behar on The View saying that Trump said to inject bleach and no one on the board refuted that statement.

    It’s a given that what he said wasn’t the best choice of words to use but even if Joe Biden had said it I still wouldn’t have had any major reservations about the statement. And even if he used the word bleach, I still wouldn’t have blinked more than once or twice.
    My heavens, the MSM went full on crazy when Trump said one or two Corinthians instead of first or second Corinthians. (I can’t remember which one he referred to).
  11. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
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    Mar 6, 2018
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    I have heard it referred to as "Plantation Syndrome, as, after the Civil War, many slaves remained on the plantations they had lived on before they were freed, as they didn't know what else to do. They felt safe there and had most things provided for them. I guess there is still a bit of that going on with the Democratic party; they aren't really truly safe there or free, but they are a bit frightened to leave what they are familiar with. The same applies in some way to others who are tied to a group or a political party.
    Bobby Cole and Dwight Ward like this.
  12. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Excellent analogy !
    Dwight Ward likes this.
  13. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    Exact same mentality that drives repeat offenders.
  14. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I'm pretty sure that it was the lying media who put bleach in his mouth, just as they would often refer to one or two tweets as a "tweet storm."
  15. Steven Stanick

    Steven Stanick Very Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2020
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    Jan. 06.2021 A day that will live in infamy. Thankfully, the participants are one-by-one going to prison.

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