Beth, How have you been feeling? You're finished with all your treatments now? Wishing everything is well. Tony
She’ll answer you in her own way but she seems to be kickin’ butt and taking names. Heck, she could probably kick start a 747.
Tony--I've been doing pretty well, thanks for asking. Still have some nerve pain and a lot of muscle tightness from the radiation, plus joint pain. I don't know whether the joint pain is a residual side effect from treatment or simply old-age arthritis, etc. I see my oncologist every 3 months but have no scans or tests unless a problem develops. Of course each time I get a new ache or pain, my first thought is that the cancer is back. Hopefully that tendency will fade in time.
No; it's from where they cut through the nerves during surgery. The pain is all along the surgical scar to my underarm where they removed 32 lymph nodes.
My sister-in-law was just diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer today, so she will be going through a lot of what you went through, @Beth Gallagher.
Yep. small cell. It is in the liver at least and both lungs. She is to get a PET scan today or tomorrow to check the brain and spinal cord. Thanks, Beth.
It's much better than it was, Tony. Just takes time, but it does get frustrating. Thanks. How are you feeling today? Are you still as sore from the falls?
Just a few aches. Having two falls in a week makes me cautious when I'm walking I find myself now using the cane indoors, never did before.