Uvalde, Texas Elementry School Shooting

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Faye Fox, May 24, 2022.

  1. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    Sad but true Bobby. Elders, as defined by age, in American society are ignored.
  2. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    But, I wouldn't use my time in the Navy as you do. I'm simply not you, Bobby. To a point, I've got the same attitude that our friend, who was Drafted into the Army during Nam has...........he says (and I've already stated this) "I don't care! Just too much crap going on nowadays to care about everything that happens. I've got better things to do than sit around and think about all of this stuff."
    The friend has firearms and still doesn't care. He took the same oath you and I did and he still states "I don't care".
  3. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    IOW, folks, we can complain and yell all we want, but then, how will we feel when it happens again. Hopefully it won't, but history is proving very, very different.

    Heck, wife and I have, and still do, complain about where we live, and have gotten very little compassion from anyone on here. So, any complaining from a member, for just about anything..........nothing happens about what we complain about. For us, at least we are packing things up to get out of here. Just who is going to listen to complaints on here about the Texas mass shooting and have anything done about it??? Shootings in America simply aren't stopping!! Everyday, every weekend it's all over the internet.

    I mean, we all complain about all kinds of things, from doctors, medicine, cost of gas and on and on...........but, still have to put up with all of it.
  4. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    “I don’t care” is the reason why our government and others get away with so much crap.
    All those people who you complain about at your apartment building don’t care.
    All the people who saw the FB posts that kid made did nothing and all those cops who could have entered the school that day didn’t because whilst they might have cared, they didn’t care Enough.

    It is said that the love of money is the root of all evil but I’m here to tell you that the close second without any shadow of a doubt is apathy. The third is virtue signaling from those who really don’t care but there’s a buck or some personal gratification to be made out of a crisis.
  5. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    The Jews didn't care about the 1 million Sinti and Romani (Gypsies) that Hitler's SS murdered like they were animals. In fact, some of the Jews helped identify these "unpure" humans. The Jews didn't care until the SS came for them. Then they cared and cried loudly for help. Apathy never leads to anything but pain and suffering.
  6. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    I am baffled by those that don't know the difference between complaining and compiling information, asking questions, discussing, and investigating.
    Last edited: May 30, 2022
  7. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Well, like it or not, Bobby, there are those in America who really don't care. Why? Because it just keeps happening and happening. School mass shootings, parents killing their own kids and young kids finding a firearm and killing a sibling or their own parent.

    I really don't want to say "I don't care", because I really do. But, there is so much gun crime going on in America, but then again, gun crime has been going on for years. Just look at those mob killings in Vegas and the Prohibition killings in Chicago.

    Whenever I talk to our friend on the phone, the one that got Drafted into the Army and got wounded, almost everything I bring up to him, his comment is "I don't care. Just don't have the time to think about it and can't do anything about it". Truly, Bobby, that's what he tells me.
  8. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Ok the, you haven't been complaining. There!
  9. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    I believe you Cody when he says he doesn’t care but no one, not one normal human with even a morsel of the love of God in them can honestly say that they do not care about innocent children being killed by a madman.

    Here’s the thing Cody. There are indeed things that aren’t worth complaining about: The weather or natural disasters aren’t worth complaining about because you nor anyone else can change it BUT, you CAN take action to keep yourself safe from the effects of the things you can’t change.
    If a tornado comes ripping through your neighborhood you don’t just sit there and say, I don’t care but instead, you hunker down.

    We have a metaphoric tornado ripping this country apart but unlike something natural, we CAN do something about it and complaining is the second step to the cure.
    The first step is to recognize that there is a problem.
    The second step and third step ( 2 +2B) go together whether it’s picking up a phone or grabbing your keyboard and sending those who are picked to be employed by you a notice of what you think.
    Now, if that person doesn’t care that you wrote or called, he or she will most certainly care when there are enough of those negative calls and emails coming in that he or she suddenly becomes afraid for their job.
    You have to understand that the ONLY reason most of them are in office is because they want power and they’re afraid to lose it. e.g. NO lawyer making half a million a year would want a 100K job as a Judge unless there’s something more that comes with it and that something is power.

    You have a voice. USE IT !!

    As of late, the only person I can think of that had all the power he wanted but went for office anyway is Donald Trump and as a matter of written FACT, he lost money whilst in office. He may not have had the power to call for war as a civilian but in some ways he had more power than being the President.
    That said, whilst in office he had so much verbal turmoil going on from people who didn’t like him personally that they eventually won a couple of battles.
    No matter how many accusations were false, they used whatever tools they had and he’s no longer in office which shows you that 1 voice added to a few million does make a difference.
    1. Acknowledge that there’s a problem
    2. Let those who are responsible for the problem know that you are aware. (COMPLAIN).
    2-B. Take any legal action necessary to alleviate that problem.
    Last edited: May 30, 2022
  10. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    We ought to even care about the madman because if we don't start caring about what creates people who can do this sort of thing, killings will continue and even worsen, whether they use a gun, a knife, or a baseball bat. In this case, I strongly suspect that the shooter was not solely responsible for his actions and if so, we need to care about what led up to it.
    Bobby Cole, Faye Fox and Yvonne Smith like this.
  11. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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  12. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    I'm watching some videos produced by the nutcase, Randy Stair, before he shot and killed three of his co-workers at a closed supermarket in Pennsylvania, as they were restocking during the night shift in 2017. In a video that I just watched, he was thinking about shooting just himself. During that video, he talked about how he'd love to shoot up a school or a supermarket and take out a bunch of people, but he wasn't going to because "there's bound to be someone in there with a gun." Then he went on to talk about being shot and killed before he was able to kill enough people to matter. Instead, he was just going to shoot himself. Later, in another video he did not long before the actual shooting, he flipped a coin to determine whether he would just shoot himself in his home or shoot his co-workers at the supermarket before killing himself, and the supermarket won the coin toss.

    I think he's representative of a lot of the nutcases who shoot up churches, schools, or other places, in that they don't want to do it if there's likely to be someone shooting back, and it's not that they're afraid to die but that they're afraid to be interrupted.

    A simpler argument, though, is that it's clear that we can't depend on the police to keep ourselves and our families safe, so we have to be allowed to defend ourselves.
    Mary Stetler and Bobby Cole like this.
  13. Mary Stetler

    Mary Stetler Veteran Member

    May 30, 2021
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    People here ARE listening. I wonder if they don't show it to keep from an argument. You are doing the right thing if it is so unbearable where you live to move. It is upsetting but as a renter you don't have the responsibility to have to stay, sell the place etc I hope you find the ideal place.
    Some people don't make changes because they fear where they go will be worse than where they are. Keep your eyes and options open.
    The gun situation is changing and I hope it is not to penalize law abiding citizens with more laws.
    I wrote somewhere else that minorities are joining organizations to learn about guns because the powers that be (police and gov't)don't help them.
    The thing is, the media does the bidding of those in power. Run here! Run there! Be afraid-- because it keeps you from seeing what the gov't is actually doing. I put up a site where a child shot and killed an intruder who had come to rob and shoot his grandmother. But we never hear about the good that guns do. That is not the narrative the gov't wants. It wants us to be disarmed so they can inject us and herd us where they want.
    Put your attention closer to home. Do what you are actually able to do.
    What is that prayer? ...Do what you can to change and the wisdom to know the difference.
    Bobby Cole likes this.
  14. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    The Serenity Prayer…..
    God grant me the serenity
    to accept the things I cannot change;
    courage to change the things I can;
    and wisdom to know the difference.
    Mary Stetler and Cody Fousnaugh like this.
  15. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    The problem I have with the serenity prayer is it is basically a cop-out. How do we know what we can change before we try? What criteria do we use to know the difference?

    While we may not have the power to make and enforce immediate decisions that would make for a better world, we do have the power to be part of making major changes.

    Even though I have the wisdom and know I cannot change some things, I refuse to accept them. If we are talking about the past, which I believe the serenity prayer addresses, then we must accept that which cannot be changed, but we don't have to accept it was right or just. The things we cannot change but others can, then we must not accept those wrongs and just be at peace with things like all the socialism and fascism that has and is taking over this country. While I couldn't personally go throw Governor Brown out of office, I helped with the recall. It failed to oust her, but since she is finished in the fall of 2022, then while I am not able to run for Governor, I am in full support of the great lady Republican candidate that has a chance to upseat the Democrat control of Oregon. I know many that probably won't vote because they say no way a Republican can win in this state controlled by one Democrat county that has the most voters and highest fraud history.

    So do we look at this school killing, the murder of little children, and say there is nothing I can do so I don't care, or do we keep pushing Republicans to monitor the investigation and not let it be closed before we have all the facts and documents to prove it. The USA public deserves answers. Without these answers how can we make good decisions at voting time?

    To reiterate some important points that so far have conflicting reports .......

    A. Did the killer, the murderer, have a valid driver's license or not? His grandfather still says, no, and furthermore, the KILLER didn't have any driving skills. I think the crash of the truck lends credence to the grandfather's story. Also, his grandfather drove him to work at Wendy's. If he had a driver's license, then we must ask why was his GF driving him around? This is important because ATF documents show he had a driver's license. Should we say that we don't care? What do Texas DMV records show?

    B. Was the guns and ammo really bought at a Federally licensed gun store? I question that they were. No name is given of the gun store where he purchased them. The public deserves to see the purchase documents and Republicans must push hard fearlessly to authenticate them. Who has possession of the guns used? I find it really strange that this would happen in a small Texas border town.

    C. What was the teacher's name that left the backdoor open? Who was the pickup registered to? Did the teacher ever have any interaction with the killer?

    D. Most important is why the ATF was on the scene so quickly?

    E. Why were 2 guns purchased? One was enough with all the magazines he had. He only took one in the school. Was another person supposed to join in? This killer had no connection to any militia stockpiling weapons, so why 2 guns? Another interesting thing is there is no record of him ever firing these guns before the killings. All the ammo purchased seems to be accounted for. Empty brass for all fired rounds was found at the scene. I am sure that will change after the ATF investigates.

    I fear this bizarre mass killing with nothing making any sense, will go down as just another delusional gun nut playing out a role trying to go down in history as a somebody. The Democrats will get their "assault" weapon ban and hold manufacturers responsible. More weapons of this type will flood across our open southern border and the gangs, cartels, and federal agents will be the law.

    Remember the Democrats were behind the Jussie Smollett scam and were on the scene to video the death of the criminal Floyd from being unable to breathe under restraint because he was LOADED FULL OF FENTANYL! Was the Floyd incident a setup? Who loaded Floyd up with fentanyl?

    Consider the recent visit by Biden and Jill to Uvalde. The focus was on the gun, not a sincere caring for the people affected in that community. Just a big photo opportunity for gun confiscation. Biden showed no interest in investigating how it all happened, just legislating an "assault" weapon ban as his way of saying he did something.

    And many say they don't care and we must accept what we are told by those Democrats in power.
    Last edited: May 31, 2022
    Mary Stetler likes this.

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