Oops, the police are back. Can you believe it? https://news.yahoo.com/uvalde-mom-ran-school-save-175901054.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall
No sooner than families began bringing in two incomes, it became necessary to have two incomes in order to get by. I think there was a very short time in which there was a real benefit to having two incomes.
Some truth to that. Having two incomes required two cars, baby sitters, clothes for second job, tv dinners and restaurant food...and then, wanting to surpass the Joneses. I'd take one income and less stress. But then there were women who wanted more.
It's from a role-playing game series called Fallout, where civilization ends sometime during the 1950s due to nuclear holocaust, with survivors living in vaults for decades. One vault runs out of water, so one inhabitant is ordered to travel to one of the other vaults to find a component needed to process more water. He discovers that all sorts of communities rose out of the ruins. Intros from the first two games; I hear that they'll be making a TV series based on it soon. About the points I raised, I got them for various data sets on obesity, gambling, drug use, firearms violence, etc., about the states. I'll see if I have time to share them in the future. For now, there's one recent tidbit from the Pentagon, reporting that three-fourths of American youth are not fit for military service or even careers in general due to obesity and other health problems, mental problems, and vices ranging from gambling to drug use, and issues like STDs and unwanted pregnancies.