Pahrump Nevada Nye County 3rd Largest County In The Nation

Discussion in 'Places I Have Lived' started by Thomas Stillhere, Jun 24, 2022.

  1. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    The photos were taken one morning around 8am after I had just got up and let the two dogs out to run and chase rabbits. I was sitting at my computer table looking out at Mount Charleston and all of a sudden an ice storm came thru at ground level. I grabbed my camera and took these couple photos, the final one with all the sun was around noon that day. It was fast and just plain weird to see that little storm come thru but I saw a lot of weather events I had never experienced before while living there 11 years. Winter had already passed and that was the real surprise.

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  2. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Is the ghost of Art Bell wandering around Pahrump?
  3. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    It's possible, my friend still living there has 5 acres that is on the property line in the rear of Art's place. I met a lot of interesting people there, one that lived in that same area was a retired engineer from area 51, he worked on the instrument platforms that were lowered by crane into the bomb hole. They were buried with the bomb of course. This other friend I mentioned that lives in front of Bell's property was a crane operation working there for 20 years at area 51. He told me there were hundreds of vehicles buried out there that were radioactive and had to be buried. I guess in a couple hundred years if the world is still around it will be a great digging site. Now that retired engineer started collecting things at the government auctions at area 51 and he had a ton of things that were used by the government. One of the most interesting to me was the automated cameras that looked like domes on a 4 wheel wagon. He had like 6 of them but was never ever able to sell them. Maybe because the things were old tech and not worth anything. I built a transmission for another guy who was into those auctions and he bought these automated drafting tables that housed a computer and monitor that you could lift and rotate and set it up any angle you liked. I think at the time they had the most powerful computers that could be purchased. I bought a huge trailer that had come off the test site and the reason I bought it was it was equipped with a cooler mount on the front end but it had a long square vent box that ran all the way thru the trailer and was vented. It had been a workshop at 51. I was going to fix it up to live in but finally sold it when I knew I was going to leave. I knew it would be very easy to keep it cool the way it was built with that duct system that you will never see in a regular trailer. At one time I had 12 computers and most I had taken from the dump up on the side of the mountain, people would just throw them into the dump for what ever reason, I had every one working. When it came time for me to leave they all had to go back to the landfill ;0(

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