Lovely flowers, wow. See if you can find a copy of Paint Shop Pro 4.12 on the net. It was the last shareware version with unlimited time to use it. It will do just about anything you want with a picture including rotating it and saving it that way. I'm on day 6 hundred and something of my evaluation period.
Good morning to all- It's mid/late summer, and here on the Gulf Coast that means that it's "dead zone" for gardens. a few things are still blooming- magnolia trees, passion flower vines- they are huge this year- grew some 40 feet up in the trees. The Mexican root beer plants are exploding and spreading- when I mow them down, it smells just like someone dumped out a case of root beer soda pop on the ground. Things that grow here really GROW. We never have to replant sweet potatoes in the garden. Each year we dig them up, and enough root is left in the ground, they always come back and produce year after year. We had a very good wildflower year- the poppies were brilliant. It's about time for me to mow down the left-over dead vines and stems and get the wildflower beds ready for more sand to be added this winter. And the grass- I mow about every third day- wet or dry. we get at least one heavy rain each day, and the grass grows rampantly. I've started broccolli for the fall/winter planting, and looks like I'll have seed potatoes left from this spring for afall/winter planting. there's always something that needs to be done- good day to all- Ed
I was just commenting that here in Wisconsin, The rainfall has been well timed and kept things green all summer. Things are growing quite well. I hope the growing season isn't short, though. Hubby keeps saying "But the Farmers Amanac says that we are in for a BAD winter." I hope it is just another 'warning Will Roninson' distraction. I put plain pumpkins in where we usually grow our winter squash, late. The blooms are just starting. I counted the days on my fingers from germination to the days on the seed package to make them ready just about Oct 31st. Cutting it close. But I thought pumpkins would be fun. It has definitely been pleasant this year. Cold compared to some summers. But I like it. I told the guy who is renting my pasture for hay that he could get three cuttings this year and he was cutting yesterday--right on schedule. I don't think he really ever grew his own hay before, just cut long grass in fallow fields. Hope he is happy. We just cut our broccoli and put up our first apples. Today I get to cut and poison more thistles. Yay. I have been working harder on that than anything in years, physically, and I think it might be good for my leg to work. But it has almost brought me to heat stroke, twice. You are right about there being always something to do.
Good morning to all- Mary- If I could make so bold as to ask, where in Wisconsin do you live? I got to take a trip up there to Geneva Lake a few years back. lovely water- but lots and lots of folks. I could tell I was no longer in the Deep South when I saw on the roadside instead of four wheelers and jetskis for sale there were snow blowers and those snow-goer machines. I did get to eat some cheese curd. I found it good. I didn't get to see much of Wisconsin, but what I saw, I liked just fine. good day to all- Ed
The crape myrtle flower buds have been swollen the last few weeks they're starting to open within the last week and looking pretty, the hanging basket is marigolds
I am a bit north of Lake Geneva, east central, near Lake Winnebago. Too much traffic for four wheelers mostly. Some call them gators although I don't know why. Smaller wheels? Used around farms. Snow mobiles have trails set up for them around the state. I have two snow blowers. but I use my lawn tractors as my four wheeler. I like Wisconsin a lot.
In my second year of raising vegetables and flowers in my backyard I've made even more mistakes than last year. I'm cheered up every morning by these humble successes.
We have lots of Aloe Vera and never seen one bloom. I have some flower seeds I'm going to plant, so far its just been food but need something colorful and pretty to look at. We bought some flower transplants last week to plant.