I considered posting this in the tractor thread, but since I didn't really buy a tractor, I suppose this is the better place for it. I dreamt that I had ordered a tractor online because I could use it to do some stuff on our land up north, and then I was worried about what my wife was going to say when she found out that I had spent thousands of dollars on a tractor. She got mad when I ordered a computer that I didn't need, and I only spent a few hundred dollars on that. When I woke up, I wasn't sure that it had been a dream. Even after I got up, I felt the need to check my PayPal account to be sure that I hadn't actually bought a tractor. What am I am I going to say when UPS drops off a tractor in my front yard? By then, I was pretty darned sure that I hadn't, but I still checked.
Your UPS guy is gonna hate you And he thought ammo deliveries sucked! Dreams are so daggone real sometimes. I took a nap today and dreamt I was talking to a salesguy at a car dealership. Someone else there asked a question and the salesguy was trying to answer but I kept talking over him. I'd stop, he'd start speaking again, and I'd talk over him. He called me out on it but I kept doing it. I woke up embarrassed and angry at myself.
Eh, except the ones where you're "with" a woman. There's NEVER a "happy ending." FWIW, here's my toy tractor, from years gone by. Those kids are my cousins, the one in the wagon is now 66.
I had a tractor kind of like that...it was the same size and had pedals. We had a concrete pad that I used to drive around on in circles, going as fast as I could.
Woke up angry a couple of days ago because somebody stole the wheels off of my Malibu. They had to be fast because they did it right in front of a picture window where I was working. I only turned my backside to it once and when I turned back around, poof, the car was up on blocks. I haven’t really thought about that Malibu in years and then when it appeared in a dream, somebody steals the wheels. At least it wasn’t a tractor. Ya know how much those back wheels cost? Too much for even my dream pocket.
The cousin on the tractor and I were both born in 1950. The younger one was born in '56 and one of our aunts nicknamed him "Sputnik." I'm assuming everyone here knows where she got that name came from.