I liked the people there and the food as well as the countryside, my daughter Cathy works with a Romanian woman who is lovely and very warm, I would add that we only really visited the central region of Transylvania
Yes, it's a shame so many just see the propaganda. It is a beautiful country and I haven't seen all of it yet but would like to.
Yes, the people are very warm and friendly, when I lived in Hungary...many would come across the border to work. My housekeeper was Romanian and an excellent cook.
You are kind but to be honest no, I used to be a headstrong, self absorbed, selfish, argumentative and always right idiot, I am not sure what happened but I did get a bang on the head once from an angry husband lol
Best not I ended up in hospital It's been a slow process a bit of a surge when I had some 4 years of therapy in the late 80s during Psychotherapy training where you face all your inner demons and I had plenty since then as a part of ageing and being with lots of people in deep emotional pain, I came to be aware how lucky I am and how little I need to be happy.
Yes pretty much these last 10 years have been my happiest, I have these odd moments of pure bliss and the odd whole day where I seem to become one with the universe, we are inseparable and there is nothing to be done, it then fades which is good because I can't function in these states of being. I told you I was weird, The knock on effect is that I am no happier on vacation than doing the laundry ,so see little point in travel, but Lisa doesn't get this so I do what she likes as it makes her so much happier and I lose nothing.
Just a quick word for Romania; I've only been to Bucharest, but it's an interesting place, albeit a strange mish-mash of a city thanks to the egomaniac Ceaucescu. It's certainly the only place where I've seen 'bear in mustard sauce' on the menu. Not, I assume, the entire bear. Being vegetarians, we didn't test it out. We did, though, test out the Romanian wine. Very good, indeed.
I know you're a big movie fan, Terry and have many movies in your converted theater, but if you had to pick one movie as a favorite, which one would it be. That's hard so give me one in each genre.
Almost Impossible to choose Chrissy Fantasy genre though is easy Pan's Labyrinth Foreign not easy Three Colours Blue Romance Somewhere in Time will have to think about others
Terry, you seem to appreciate good food. What is the advantage of eating only once a day? (Kefir doesn't count)
The only advantage for me is less cooking or bothering about food preparation and it's easier when out and about, as you don't need to think about food. I don't really miss eating because I am never hungry these days.